35 ¦ Free The Maid

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When we arrived at the mountain house, a friendly, middle-aged woman with a black bob cut unlocked the door for us. Hectically she told us the most necessary and then said: "I have an important appointment. I'll check back with you tonight to make sure everything is okay, my dears!" With that, she was gone. 

We stopped in confusion in front of the wooden door of the house and Jake pushed it open. He marveled, "Aigoo, they've completely renovated this house. Look at this luxury! Not to be compared with that pile of junk from before." Laughing and excited, he threw himself onto the sofa and snuggled in. 

"I don't need a room. I'll just crash here." Joshua laid down next to him and really fell asleep. What had gone wrong? 

The boys suddenly all crowded onto the chairs and sofas and Levi pulled out a camera. He shouted, "Field trip photo Nr. 1!" 

Joshua was somewhere squeezed in behind them. This made me laugh. It's your own fault, Josh. 

Jungwon moved a little closer to Sunoo and patted the sofa next to him, "Come on, Miri. Let's take a picture of our house. You have to be in it too!" Laughing, I planted myself next to him. 

Laughing, Jake lifted Joshua's arm up and laughed, "We kind of want him in the picture too. Hahahaha..." Laughing, Levi snapped the picture. We marveled at it and all grinned. It looked great. By now, the boys had become like family to me. 

Jake and Sunghoon went at it with Joshua, sticking his own finger in his ear and pawing at his face. Joshua's grimaces and facial expressions were hilarious. 

Blondie interrupted our lively gathering: "Have you got it you Wannabe-Modern Family? We'll go to our room then!" 

Antoine admonished him briefly and then also said he was going to go lay down in his room. Levi and he shared a room. Lily and I, since there were only two of us, moved into one of the smaller rooms. 

We went up a small wooden staircase to the small second floor, which had a good view of the lower floor. In the room I put down my bag and let myself fall on the white cozy blanket of our double bed. Lily did the same and we stared at the half-wooden and half-glass ceiling. Our boarding school clearly had too much dough. I admitted that I liked the luxury. 

I sighed, "Let's change first Lily." She agreed with me and we changed into new clothes. After a wave, we got bored and trudged over to the boys' room from my house. 

Suddenly Sunoo opened the door before I could and said, "You can be heard outside the door. Come in!" Grinning in surprise, we went into their room. It was decorated brighter than ours and had white curtains. 

The boys excitedly thrust a camera into my hand and said, "Take our picture!" I did, and I had to say: they looked really good. Too good...

Lily commented, "Wow, you guys could be models. That picture is fierce." 

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