52 ¦ As long as I'm breathing

613 48 21

Mira POV:

"This is just the beginning, sweethearts." Joshua finished his sentence. I would love to kick him in his, surely tiny, crown jewels right now. 

"The beginning of what?" yelled Jay at him. I winced slightly. You could clearly see Jay's anger. 

Joshua laughed even more provocatively and clicked his tongue. "Tz, tz, tz, that's not the English way, Mr. Park." 

Jay sighed in annoyance and said, "Well, open your eyes, you English turd! Do I look remotely European to your eyes?" I couldn't help it and had to laugh for a moment. 

One of his men angrily walked towards our cell and his eyes started to glow red, however Joshua held him back and said with a wry grin, "No, no San, it's okay. That would just be wasting time unnecessarily and as you know we still have work to do." San a.k.a. Hulk calmed down and the glow in his eyes disappeared. 

Jay asked with a raised eyebrow, "How is it that a normal human is commanding Inferiors? Are you not embarrassed to serve what you consider a lowly creature?" Jay looked at the Inferiors behind Joshua with amusement. 

Laughing, Joshua squatted in front of the cell and his eyes began to glow. "Maybe you should have thought a little further than just around the corner, Jay. I'm not human. Haha funny thought to have been born as such a short-lived, limited being. I'm a superior, you idiot." My jaw dropped. I would not have even considered that. Fuck... 

Joshua continued. "Oh yeah, I realized it the other night at the concert. You guys happened to be talking in the hallway and that's when I actually heard you tell Mira to keep tailing me. You should have been more careful. So I figured before you win this game, I'll let you fall into a trap. I used you, little sweetie, as bait for this little vampire here. Worked flawlessly, thanks to our dear Hee-jin." 

Jay looked to the ground in disappointment and bit his lip. Apparently, Hee-jin's betrayal was visibly taking him down. 

Laughing, Joshua said, "Oh don't worry Jay, there's always a Judas. It is in the nature of people to betray others and to take advantage of it. This time it was just little Hee-jin." 

Jay snorted contemptuously and hissed, "She didn't know what she was doing!" 

Joshua replied snidely and with a serious face, "Oh, come on! Don't kid yourself. She didn't care." 

Jay straightened up and kicked the metal bars of our cell. "You set this up! This isn't Hee-jin's fault!" 

Joshua laughed. "That may be, but it doesn't change the fact that she did it anyway. I'll thank her later when I stop by House #1 again."$

Joshua exchanged a quick glance with San, laughed, and said, "You know, it all started back then with the punch bowl at the Fall Ball, into which we had put blood to confuse the Inferiors we had secretly infiltrated among the students a bit. This also immediately led to a big attack on Superiors and Inferiors. On that day, a certain Raven McCall was killed. She was from an Inferior hunting family of Superiors. She had a theatrical death in the middle of the ballroom, I heard. I would have loved to have been there. Well, one disruptive factor was eliminated at that time, anyway. The second to appear was you, Mira. You overheard my conversation on the balcony and-" 

I interrupted him: "I KNEW IT! I-I didn't imagine it." 

Joshua snorted in amusement and said, "Tzz of course not, that's why I tried to have you killed in that underground maze an Inferior colleague of ours discovered ages ago. Unfortunately, the mission failed. But thanks to this, I found out that Jay is the closest to you. So I was able to locate another disruptive factor. I was able to lead my double life all this time by using a secret passage in my room, which lead through the walls of house No.1 into the underground." 

A chill ran down my spine. The creepy cracking sound in my wall. Nothing supernatural, just a lowlife Joshua. Case closed. 

"And at the river festival, I just wandered around randomly to see who all belonged to the little group shadowing me. Then, when you were more than half an hour infront of the beer tent in which I had made myself comfortable, it was really too obvious. Oh yes, of course a close friend of my uncle was helping me. The nice lady who had Jay hunted down. Carolina Millers." 

I puckered my mouth. Great friend... The woman was like the plague and scabies together. Not desirable. Wait, but if he had a hand in the punch bowl action here back then, was Mr. Xu also involved in the whole thing? 

"Didn't you ever wonder why my uncle became principal and what happened to the previous principal?" 

Joshua asked with a lousy grin. "Principal Mary? Didn't he just die? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" 

Joshua laughed out loud and waved it off, "Excuse me, but I have a few more Superiors to kill. When it's all over, we'll have another chat if my uncle doesn't decide to have you guys killed." 

Laughing, Joshua turned his back on us and left the stone corridor that led to our dungeon. 

Jay kicked the bars again and yelled, "My friends don't get killed that easily! Good luck with that as they take you down one by one!" Joshua ignored his statement and disappeared around the corner with his henchmen. 

Jay sank powerlessly to the ground and hissed, "Son of a bitch! We've got to warn the others. Somehow we have to get out of here. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have underestimated Joshua so much. I should have been a lot more careful." I heaved myself in his direction and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Are you kidding me? You're the only one who's even come close to suspecting Joshua. Compared to you, the rest of us are just a group of blind idiots. We'll get out of this. There's got to be a way." 

Jay turned his head toward mine and we were now only inches apart. The guys had taken the lamps with them and what remained was a murky darkness in which you had to squint your eyes to see anything. 

He looked deep into my eyes and said, "What hurts me most is that he hurt you, Mira." That was unexpected. 

He came even closer to me and added, "When we get out of here, we'll take this guy down together. I promise you that." 

Jay leaned even closer to my ear and whispered, "As long as I'm breathing, no one is allowed to treat you like that, is that clear?"

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