42 ¦ We back Haha

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"..ra! Mira! Hey, wake up!" I blinked, wondering where I was. Oh well, boarding school, going back, house #1, so here I was.

We were standing in front of our house and most people had already hopped off the bus and gone to their houses. I had really been sleeping the whole time. I got up to get off and suddenly there was a thump. I looked in front of my feet and spotted a can of canned bread.

"...Strawberry flavored...?" I mumbled in irritation and took the can. Well, I never thought canned bread came in such a flavor. Hmm... let's see, maybe it didn't taste that bad.

Ni-ki, who had woken me up, held me by the arm and said, "The others are inside right now, we're alone here. Let's talk, little one." I stopped abruptly and turned to face him. All of a sudden, the scene in which I had elegantly kicked him against the closet came back to me. Hehe um, yeah and now?

Riki began, "Um... about the other day..." he looked shyly to the side and smirked. "I'm sorry for being so pushy! So, well you know what I mean. You haven't even decided yet and all.", he finished his bumpy sentence.

I stared at him scratching the back of his head in embarrassment and began to smile, "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm sorry you hit the closet because of me, too. I just need a little more time to make up my mind. Because there's something I can't explain yet. And until that's resolved, I can't be with you."

Visibly confused, Ni-ki asked, "And what is that?"

Smirking, I replied, "I'd like to know that too. I have no idea."

The look Riki gave me was quite special. Let's say it was a mixture of 'What the fuck?' And 'I don't understand anything anymore.'

Grinning, I wafted my hand through his hair for a change and said, "Oh, don't worry about it. I'll figure out what's wrong with me soon enough, Riki."

He put his hands around my waist and looked deep into my eyes. "I'll try to wait, little one. But I'm warning you, you better make up your mind before the cold months set in again. Otherwise, I can't guarantee anything." He pressed a kiss on my cheek and left the bus. I stared after him in bewilderment. Yes, I really had to decide soon. Because right now, this whole thing boiled down to Friendship Plus, and that was the very wrong direction for me here.

I left the bus, along with my bag and not forgetting the strawberry flavored canned bread. We entered the entrance hall and Levi just finished a talk he was having. "... so I hope that this stay has strengthened your cohesion. But the way you all can get rowdy together and put an entire house under water, the trip probably wouldn't have been necessary. You're playing with my nerves." A laugh went around and Levi wished us another good night.

I went up to my room, cursing that I had missed dinner since I had slept on the bus. The others had apparently all had something to eat at a stop at the gas station. Sighing, I put my bag on my bed and plopped down.

"Wait a minute!" I muttered. Grinning and slightly skeptical, I pulled out my canned bread and opened it. Carefully, I tasted it.

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