10 ¦ Lollipops & Cookies

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Ten minutes later, I was standing in the entrance hall of our dorm, highly motivated. I was wearing a black top and black shorts. My favorite sports outfit! My hair I had tied into a high braid and sports shoes I had on, of course. 

Impatiently, I rocked from one foot to the other and waited for Sunghoon. I wanted to know as soon as possible everything about the attack techniques I had to use on the Inferiors.

Now he finally came trotting down the stairs in a pair of dark blue metallic athletic shorts and a simple white shirt. Although the outfit was very simple, he looked incredibly good in it. 

He eyed me with a smirk and said, "Well, someone's really into sports!" I corrected him, "More like keen on learning to defend myself against vampires." 

He laughed briefly and directed me to come through a side hallway, with to the back exit. I had never been in the dorms garden before. Not to mention, it was still a mansion! The garden was huge and there was also a small sports field. This boarding school far surpassed any bonze I had ever known. 

We went into a smaller hall, which was next to the sports field. I closed the door behind me and looked at Sunghoon, who was standing with his back to me. Suddenly, he turned around in a flash and lashed out with his fist. Automatically, I ducked, as I had already learned to do.

 Judging by the wind, there must have been a lot of power behind the blow. Horrified, I called out, "What was that all about?" Laughing, he replied, "I just wanted to see how far along you are. But you don't seem too unfamiliar with fighting techniques." 

Staring at him in disbelief, I muttered, "And what would have happened if I hadn't dodged?" His smile turned to a thoughtful expression and he said innocently, "..... But you did dodge."

I started to grin and shook my head. The guy would have actually punched me in the face if I hadn't dodged. That was a good start. But anyway, maybe I could learn more this way than with a too timid teacher. 

We moved away from the entrance of the hall and warmed up. After a while I asked, "Is this long warm-up training really necessary? I'm in great shape! Besides, I hate push-ups and running around anyway." 

Wordlessly, Sunghoon approached me and made a motion to signal me to stand up. I stood up and looked at him expectantly. 

He challenged me: "Hit me! Come on! Do it." 

At first I looked at him in amazement, but then did what he asked. I missed

"What the...?" I muttered. Sunghoon had dodged me abnormally fast. So this was the tremendous speed Jungwon had been talking about. When I had hit Jake, I had only hit because he hadn't seen it coming. But when they knew someone was going to attack them, like Sunghoon was now, they were lightning fast. Too fast for my current condition. 

Furious, I tried again and again. However, my fists only ever hit nothing. 

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