6 ¦ No Diggity

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt yesterday's long hike to the village in my legs. Fucking hell...

With my face contorted in pain, I got up and shuffled into the bathroom. In front of me stood a Jay brushing his teeth and stared at me emotionless. Yes, it was the most normal thing in the world to break into other people's bathrooms.

He was already grumbling. "What are you looking so stupid? You even gave me permission to use your bathroom."

"Yeah, but not early in the morning when I'm still in bed! That might embarrass me?!" I retorted arrogantly. I was wearing my short sleep pants and a ratty, loose shirt. In addition, my hair looked loose, as if a bird had built its nest in it.

He grinned wryly for a moment and raised an eyebrow before saying, "Don't worry, in this state I didn't give you a glance until you came in here. I'm not exposing my eyes to such a sight this early in the morning after all!"

Angrily I hit the wall and hissed, "Out! Get out now, you disrespectful jerk!"

Bored, he continued brushing his teeth and muttered, "Make me, you fucking dwarf..."

Those were the words I had been waiting for. I grinned in victory and took a deep breath and screamed.

A few seconds later the other boys, as well as Levi stood in my room and asked what was going on. Yes, it had worked perfectly.

I put on an innocent face and said, scared, "Jay just snuck into my bathroom. I didn't know what else to do but start screaming..." Ouh, yeah! Take that Jay.

On the inside, I was laughing my head off. The look on his face was divine. He looked like he wanted to claw my eyes out. Good thing the others were here. Levi walked up to him and pulled him out of my room by his ear. A/N: Poor Jay lmaooo

"I think you're doing too well, don't you! How dare you!!!" Was all that was heard from Levi before he disappeared down the hall with Jay. The others looked after the two laughing and then left as well.

Only Heeseung stayed in my room and closed the door after the others had all left. No sooner was one gone than the next came. Was today the open day for my room, or what?

Well, Heeseung was a thousand times better to me than an arrogant Jay. Besides, he was my date for the ball. Maybe he wanted something in particular? He started grinning and commented, "You look cute, so sleepy. I could get used to that look." Did you all hear that?

Even though he said that just to flatter me, compare that to Jay's previous statement. A difference like night and day. I had to grin for a moment, but then said, "Okay, kidding, what do you want?" He eyed me up and down and grinned even wider. I had just given him the perfect template, for more sayings of this kind. Laughing, I muttered, "Don't you dare make another comment like that!"

"Okay, okay. That one would have been too easy. I just wanted to ask again if we're really going to the Autumn Ball together now?" he said, laughing.

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