48 ¦ Siblings?

609 42 33

"Do you think I'm completely stupid?!" 

I put the brush on the small dresser, next to the sink, in slow motion and slowly turned around. The biggest shock of  my fucking life! My breathing quieted down and my heartbeat slowed down again as well. 

"How stupid you are, first telling me you were going for a walk, but then getting into a limo in front of our house. Of course, then I followed you. You're secretly seeing Jay." A horrified shake of the head followed. 

"You had to lie to me for that? Are you afraid of me?" She asked, with a threatening undertone. Hee-jin moved closer to me, not letting me get a word in edgewise, "You should be! Do you think I'm going to leave him to some runaway teenage chick whose great-grandparents didn't even exist when we were alive?! You're just not right for him and he's not right for you!" 

Angrily she grabbed the bowl on which the curd soap was lying, and let it shatter with full force, on the wall next to me. 

She was just about to continue talking when I beat her to it and began, "Now hold your breath, princess! Is Jay your property? And I'm certainly not lying because I'm afraid of you or something. I can handle someone like you in my sleep! You can go fuck yourself and throw things at the wall, I can handle that too." 

Demonstratively, I grabbed one of my empty perfume bottles and threw it against the wall. Horrified, she stared back and forth between me and the destroyed bottle. She clenched her hands so that her knuckles stood out white. 

Her face ran high red and she hissed, "How dare you, you conceited toddler?! I forbid you to meet Jay just like that! You'd never have a chance with him anyway, so what's the big deal?" Reproachfully, I raised both eyebrows and slowly walked towards her. 

"Now, you listen to me! I'm not going to let anything or anyone define me, understood? I've always been like that. Hell, I've been through quite a few girls boarding schools. I can handle anything. So don't think that I'll let you intimidate me! Oh well, and if I don't stand a chance anyway, I can keep dating him, right?" I yanked open the bathroom door and stared at her insistently. No reaction? 

Her eyes flashed treacherously and she grinned, "You heard my words perfectly. If you keep making a pass at Jay you're going to regret it, bitch. I warned you." 

I grinned as well and walked back into the main room. "And I gave you an answer!"

 "Fine!" She exclaimed. 

"Yes, fine!" I ended our conversation annoyed. "I've even lost my appetite, I can't stand your grimace while I'm eating. It makes me go out of my mind." She teased. 

"Thank God! No really, God should make me uglier if it would drive you out of this boarding school altogether!" I slammed the door to the room. Stupid bitch! 

I took a deep breath in and out. Dinner had already started three minutes ago. Hee-jin had stopped me. I was so hungry like I've never been in my life. Only cappuccinos didn't really fill the stomach, but only had a laxative effect. Too much caffeine just didn't do me any good. 

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