30 ¦ Embarassing Conversations

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Stunned, I stared between Ni-ki and my father. How could he tell such a lie in front of my father!? All of a sudden, Ni-ki looked at me urgently and talked to me in my mind. 

N: Listen to me, if you deny it now, I'll start saying it's true again and again. Then your father will probably think I'm stalking you, or that you wouldn't be safe here with boys like that, and end up taking you down from this boarding school. Do you want to risk that?

M: You are such a pathetic idiot!

N: I thought so, so play along, little one!

My irritated expression turned into a fake smile and my dad said with a laugh, "Somehow I thought you'd be starting to have a boyfriend, Miri. So Romeo introduce yourself again in more detail." 

The others at the table, especially Heeseung, looked like they had seen a ghost. After all, they had no idea.... By the end of the day, Riki's head would be rolling down the stairs of the entrance hall. But he was right, blowing it all now would seem like I couldn't get along here, and I really wanted to stay here. 

Ni-ki grinned and reached out to my dad again, "Nishimura Riki. I'm in the eleventh grade and roommate of Mira's house. Besides, I can make your daughter happy." 

Wow, I would make myself and everyone else at this table happy right away by putting his head on the grill. I took a deep breath. This was going to be a long barbecue, yet Sunoo had just put the first steaks on the grill 5 minutes ago. Well, awesome...  

My dad replied with a wry grin, "You better be, kiddo." At that, he squeezed Riki's hand decidedly hard, and he slightly screwed up his face and replied, "Hehe.... Well- of course, sir." Kiddo? If only my dad knew... 

Everyone at the table stared at us until my dad launched into, "B-but you guys haven't... yet, have you?" OH MY GOD! DAD, EVEN IF THAT WAS JUST AN ACT, HE DIDN'T REALLY ASK ME THAT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE AT THE TABLE, DID HE? Oh, dad why!?

I dropped my head on the table and just wanted to die. Ni-ki answered for me, "No, of course not, sir, we're still too young for that." 

Suddenly, Jake snorted briefly, but then stood up laughing and chortled, "Excuse me..." and walked into the mansion. I bet he was inside laughing his, for a guy too full, ass off. Ni-ki kept looking at me in between provocative grins and I sparkled wickedly back. 

"Oh I know youth, don't fool me kid. But if it's the truth, I'm even more proud of my little angel of abstinence." mummbled my dad. How much more could I actually embarrass myself? 

Hoon was the next one, who stood up with a grin and muttered, "I-I-I'm going to get some new ice teahehehehehe..." All right, go ahead and laugh at me all of you. 

Ni-ki continued calmly. "No don't worry sir, not yet, but someday I would love to give you wonderful grandchildren." That was enough!

I discreetly took a swing and kicked Ni-ki full force in the lower leg, under the table. Now the other guys shifted inside, grinning, too, including Barbecue Aunt Sunoo, with his kiss-the-cook apron. 

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