25 ¦ Get Her Away

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I thought we had actually gotten away quite well. Nikita said uninterupted, "So you don't have a problem if I..." She rummaged in her pocket and pulled out 3 test tubes with corks on them. In them was a red liquid, which was probably blood. She continued, "...destroy these on the table and let the scents affect you?"

The whole table stared at her with their mouths open. What a cunning beast! 

Jungwon said confidently, "Do what you can't help doing!"

"Hmm, I would have anyway. Well then- "she said with a grin and smashed all three test tubes on the marble table, vampire style. Levi wasn't with us right now, but in his creepy Harry Potter basement downstairs. I watched as some of the guys nervously held their breath and clawed their nails into the arms of their chairs. Poor things, what now? 

I quickly improvised in a playfully shaky voice and grabbed my head, "Ni..Ni-ki get some anti-nausea pills, please! The rest p-please help me!" After that, I toppled off the chair and muttered convincingly, "I-I can't stand the sight of blood!" 

Quickly, Ni-ki ducked out and grumbled to Jake, "Come on! You help me find her pills, come on now..." Jake followed him and for a moment I noticed a relieved expression on his face. 

Hoon helpfully dashed into the kitchen, he was also out of harm's way to 'get me a glass of water' while Sunoo and Heeseung helped me to my feet saying, "We'll get her out of here! What you're doing is really disgusting... Vampires don't even exist!" Sunoo said seriously. 

Nikita watched the whole situation wordlessly. Jungwon was the only one still sitting at the table, tensing up. Somehow it was clear to me that he had the most self-control, while Ni-ki and Jake almost ran over the table. They almost knocked themselves over rushing out of the room. Those dumbasses! 

Luckily, I had sent them out the door first. But what now? How could I get Jungwon out of here now? I was out of ideas...

Right now, thank God, Levi came into the dining room and screamed in horror, "What's this mess?! Did someone get hurt? Hmm, it doesn't look like it. Jungwon go get a rag to clean this up!" 

Oh, god was Levi creative and resourceful, unlike me. This was exactly what we needed. We all left the dining room while Levi asked Nikita from A to Z and then explained to her why she was not allowed to perform such idiosyncratic experiments haphazardly. 

When the heavy door to the dining hall closed behind us, we breathed a sigh of relief and I broke away from Sunoo and Heeseung. From upstairs, Ni-ki and Jake came down. Jake laid down with his belly wistfully on the banister while Ni-ki moaned in agony. "There's the smell of blood everywhere. I'm going crazy." He slumped on the stairs and Jake held him tight. 

After some time, Ni-ki raised his head. His eyes glowed blood red and his vampire fangs stood out visibly, his eyes fixed on me... This did not mean anything good.

In the next moment he jumped towards, well the closest target, which was me. He pulled me roughly to him by my shoulders and opened his mouth wide. He was about to bite me. I felt his sharp teeth graze me for a brief moment, but fortunately Sunoo kicked him in the pit of the stomach with full force the next moment. Ni-ki flew in a high arc against the wall of the entrance hall. 

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