29 ¦ Boyfriend??

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3rd month without Jay;

By now it was just about the beginning of April. I was rushing to my classroom because our car had had a flat tire on the way to school and we were all running late. The boys, with their speed, had of course long since reached their classrooms. And then there was me. 

I was crippling myself as I hurried up the stairs to our utility room. Cursing and completely out of breath, I opened the glass door and caught sight of Mrs. Nijiro enthusiastically swinging her wooden cooking spoon through the air. 

She was prone to passionate exaggeration when it came to the, I quoted, 'burning flame of deliciousness that could light up on any stove'. Welcome to the hell of cooking

Her hazel eyes fixed on me and she began, "Oh dear, so we do appear after all. Well, the later the day, the more interesting the guests." 

Blondie commented with a disdainful snort and muttered, "Hmm, yeah." 

I rolled my eyes, straightened a few strands and said, "You were probably the very first one here today then, what Blondie?" 

He skillfully ignored my statement and Ms. Nijiro assigned me to the only free cooking partner left, Jimin. Great...just perfect.

 He was really funny and all, but when it came to cooking, he was a danger to the general public. He had even accidentally spilled frying fat on a classmate. Hot frying fat. Fortunately, this person was a vampire and the wound healed quickly. But I, as a normal mortal, would be dead if he would bring such numbers.

I let the double lesson pass over me and kept a certain safe distance to Jimin. Then, when the lesson ended without much incident, Mrs. Nijiro said, "Don't forget to get your rooms ready because of the visit!" 

Everyone nodded as I ran up to Eren and asked, "What does she mean? What visit?" 

Eren grinned at me with amusement and said, "Tell me, don't you ever look at the black board, of our school?" 

Annoyed, I replied, "We have a black board? Oh never mind, now tell me!" 

Grinning, Eren replied, "Tomorrow, like every year in April, the parents come to visit and look around here at the boarding school. Don't tell me no one told you anything? The invitations are already out." I buried my face in my hands in despair. My father would come to this vampire boarding school? Well, great... I didn't want him to be around Inferiors, or possibly even attacked.

I thanked Eren and dashed to the secretary's office to ask if my father had accepted the invitation. Unfortunately, he seemed to be really interested in seeing how I lived here. Stupid, nosy parents! He had no idea... 

Well, most of the students here were not aware of the vampires here and after Ni-ki had enlightened me last month, I now also knew that Levi was a vampire, but had not yet developed his powers and had eked out his existence since the 16th century without any special incidents. In his place I would be bored to death, if I would live already over 400 years without any forces. My face, for that he was a really quiet person. 

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