26 ¦ "sweetie"

898 48 26

2nd month without JayFebruary:

Bored, I rolled on my green sheets and stared at the wall. Uncover by Zara Larsson was playing softly in my room while I thought about how I would spend my weekend. 

All of a sudden it came to me. I quickly reached for my cell phone and called Lily. After I cleared everything with her, I called Sara. Luckily it suited her as well. So we arranged to spend the night at Lily's place. As boarding school visitors we were not allowed to spend the night away from home. She also lived in the boarding school, in house no. 2 of our level, so right next door in this Bordeaux red villa with the white shutters. Ours was kept in a somewhat more discreet color, namely golden-beige. 

I had to be over there in an hour with my sleeping clothes. I was curious to see what their villa looked like from the inside. Usually boarding school houses always looked the same from the inside, but our boarding school was special, after all we had villas

I hopped in front of the mirror and changed from my sweatpants to a short skirt, under which I put on a pair of patterned tights that matched the winter. Over it I wore then a cozy, black oversize sweater. To the whole then still my silver wristwatch and my cross chain. My dark hair I simply left open. I applied some eyeliner and my new dark, brown-red lipstick. It looked really good

I packed myself a pair of long sweatpants, a simple top and my toilet bag. After that, I disconnected my phone from my stereo and left my room. In the hallway, I spotted Heeseung pressing his ear against Joshua's door. What was that all about?

"Ayo, what's this Sherlock?" I whispered curiously. He pressed his index finger to his lip to signal me to be quiet. He then beckoned me over to him. 

I approached him and he whispered softly in my ear: "Josh has been in his room for exactly 20 hours now, without even showing up for yesterday's dinner or today's breakfast! This is getting really weird." 

Confused, I looked at him and replied, "Well what are you waiting for? Maybe something happened to him, just go in!" 

Heeseung shrugged his shoulders and said, "I would, but he somehow managed to barricade the door, and he shouldn't have a key for it." That was extremely strange. What was he doing in there? Oh, maybe he just wanted his privacy.

"Then I guess he wants to be alone. He'll be out soon enough." I said and looked at my watch. I still had 15 minutes to go. I said goodbye to Heeseung and went downstairs to the entrance hall. From there, I briefly went into the dining hall to get an apple. 

At the table, Riki was sitting and sleeping with his head resting peacefully on the table. Next to him was some homework and an open pen. Grinning, I looked at him and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. When I tried to pull my arm back, Riki suddenly grabbed it. 

I flinched in shock and hissed: "Woah, do you have to scare me like that?" He sleepily opened one eye and looked me up and down. 

"Where are you going, little one?" He asked curiously. 

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