23 ¦ He's gone

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"Faster!" Sunghoon shouted impatiently as I kept dodging his attacks. 

"Why are you yelling at me like that? I've already become so much faster than I was before!" At that moment he lashed out and hit me, full force, on my left shoulder. 

"Yes, but as you can see, it's just not enough yet!" He admonished me sternly. 

I rubbed my aching shoulder for a moment, but then went back to my defensive position. I had never had such a merciless trainer as him. When we finally finished, he praised me again, saying that I had really improved and was faster than before. 

"I just wanted to push you to your limits again today. But it really paid off in the end, as I noticed." Sunghoon said with a grin. 

Tired I rolled on the gray hall floor and grumbled, "I have pain in muscles I didn't even know could hurt. You're a real slave driver..." I grinned at him, to which he gave me a playfully pitying look. 

He replied, "Hey, for that you're getting better at defending yourself against vampires and staying in shape! Don't complain about that. Besides, I like being a slave driver, especially with pretty girls with good figures like you." 

I looked at him, raised both eyebrows, and followed up with, "Are you trying to hit on me right now?" 

Shrugging his shoulders, he replied, "Who knows. Maybe now that you've turned Heeseung down, I'll have a chance with you?" 

With these words he lay down in front of me, with his belly on the hall floor and stared at me seriously. I waited the whole time for him to jokingly start laughing at me, but he did not. Was he being serious?

I quickly broke off the staring contest, hoisted myself up off the gym floor and said, "Okaaay... this is all starting to drift a bit. I'll be going now. See you around Hoon!" Let's get out of this strange situation... 

He looked after me playfully sad and cried: "No, my dear Julia! I love you, please stay with me."

"Dream on Romeo." I stuck my tongue out at him. So he hadn't meant it after all. Why was he always taking the piss out of me? I was beginning to think he was serious. Oh, man... 

Annoyed, I pushed open the hall door and walked through the garden towards the villa. It was already dark and it was freezing cold out here. A shiver ran down my arms. Just now I had been totally hot because of the training and now I was freezing my ass off!? Who didn't hate this moment? 

It was already dark, as the days were now getting shorter and shorter. In the sky you could see the stars in their diversity. I heard the gravel path crunching under my sports shoes and let my gaze wander through the garden. In the rear part of the garden I suddenly saw Jay, who unlocked the garden gate to the forest. What was this going to be when it was finished? 

My steps quickened and I was now heading in the opposite direction from our dorm. I was dying to know what Jay was up to. There was a dense fog on the ground of the forest and garden, which made everything seem a little more mysterious. 

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