18 ¦ Hurtful Actions

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That used to be called a torture. But I could not clear up everything yet, I had held out too long. Even if I hurt certain people with my actions, it will have paid off in the end. Because Jay was right, Joshua was acting more than suspicious. I will get the information from Joshua! I just had to hang in there. 

Man this was a really embarrassing situation. Heeseung stared angrily at Joshua and took a step toward him. However, Sunoo immediately pulled him back and skillfully covered up the whole thing. 

"Come on, let's take a look at the suite, Hee." The latter just snorted in annoyance and turned his back on us. I stared after them. Sunoo pushed him in another direction and the boys followed the two of them. They disappeared into the living room, Joshua and I stayed behind. Everyone except Jay had given me more or less disappointed looks. They must have thought I was a total bitch now. Every look they gave me hurt. I took a deep breath and then exhaled. I was determined to clear this up as soon as possible. I already had an idea, too. 

"He seems pretty into you, Miri." Joshua said and put an arm around me. I didn't say anything back and pulled Joshua into one of the rooms. After locking the door, I put my bag down and opened my suitcase. I had to go take a shower first. 

"I'm just going to take a shower, okay?" I said. Josh plopped down on his bed and just nodded, bored. After grabbing all the stuff I needed, I ducked outside and went into the bathroom and locked myself in. I took a sensible shower first and then got dressed. 

As I stood in front of the mirror, I looked at the bite marks on my neck. Damn, it looked ugly. I blow-dried my hair and then left the bathroom again. 

My plan was to meet with Jay first, outside of this suite, and talk it out. Before I went back to my room, I sidled up to the other guys who were enjoying the view from our balcony. I pulled Jay back into the living room and whispered in his ear, "Tonight, at 11:30, in the garden of the hotel, okay?" Jay looked at me confused, but then nodded and stepped back out onto the balcony.

I went back to my room to Joshua and laid down in my bed. I pretended to be tired and laid down in my bed as if I were asleep. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally heard soft snoring from Joshua. Hallelujah, that pisser had finally managed to fall asleep! It was about time

It was already 23:45 o'clock. Jay was surely already waiting outside. 

I quietly rose from my bed, grabbed the room key for our suite, and crept along the fluffy gray carpet to the room door. I glanced cautiously at Joshua. He was still sleeping peacefully. Slowly, I placed my sweaty hand on the cold metal door handle and pushed it down. So far so good

I smoothly pulled the door open. However, this gave a loud creak from itself. FUCK YOU DOOR! Worried, I peeked at Joshua, who was still asleep despite the noise. Puhhh... Lucky me

I quickly scurried through the crack of the door and closed it again behind me, this time without a creak. I looked left and right. None of the boys seemed to be outside their room right now. This was the chance

I hurried to the door and left our suite. Man, that was a stupid game of hide and seek! Well, now I just had to find the way to the garden of the hotel. 

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