45 ¦ Bad Mood

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I stood in front of my mirror and looked at myself. My eyes looked as if a fish lived behind them. I had cried too much. Only a looooot make-up helps me now. 

I had been listening to Alice Wonder's Strategy all morning and grumbled to myself. I was in an extremely bad mood. Luckily, it was Saturday. If it were Monday, I most likely would have mutated into a rampage runner. 

I got ready and put on a pair of black baggy jeans with a cozy oversize sweater.  Just as I was ready and turned off the music, a loud scream went through the house. 

Immediately Ni-ki stood in my room and shouted, "What's going on?!" 

I replied confused, "Um... I didn't make a sound." There was another scream. We rushed to the entrance hall and saw an all-too-familiar face standing there with his suitcase and jacket. Hee-jin... 

She hid behind Levi and clamored, "You told me to do what I want, remember?" 

Jay yelled, "And that includes you moving into my house right now?! That's my personal life you think- Oh fur fuck's sake!" 

He propped his head in his hands and Levi tried to calm him down, "It's already a done deal. She won the contest yesterday and well Mr. Xu said it was okay for her to pick her own house." 

Jay raised his hands and walked up the stairs, "Fine! You all do what you want, but for now, everyone leave me alone or heads will roll! AISHHH..." You could hear his room door slam shut and Joshua came running down the hall, startled. 

"Jay looked like he wanted to kill me, honeys. Did I do something wrong?" 

We all shook our heads and Jake said with a grin, "That one did." pointing to Hee-jin, who immediately crossed her arms and declared, "I just want to be near Jay. There's nothing wrong with that. So could someone please show me to my room now?" 

Levi waved me over and declared, "Your new roommate." Good grief why is it always me? 

I huffed, "Uhm... what?" 

Hee-jin rolled her eyes in annoyance and bitched, "Are you deaf? You're supposed to show me my room!" 

I corrected her, "Of course, yes our room, princess." 

Hee-jin didn't dignify me with a glance and muttered, "Whatever. Can we?" I nodded and turned around. My eyes met Ni-ki'sand I gave him an oh-my-god-is-that-annoying look. Ni-ki grinned briefly and then smiled encouragingly at me. 

I trotted up to my room, or rather our room from today on, and showed it to her. She threw herself on the small guest bed and said, "Hmm... I like the big bed better, but I'll put up with it for Jay. He'll remember all the good times we had together." I raised an eyebrow. So that was how it was? Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that now. After all, he had called her a whore. Her chances were more than shit. But what did I really care? Why did I think so much about her? 

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