17 ¦ If Looks Could Kill

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Grinning, he dropped down on the grass next to me and continued, "So, we only have a few minutes. Did you get anything out of him?" I smiled wryly. I had absolutely nothing. It just hadn't been the right moment yet. 

"Ahm... no, not yet." I muttered dejectedly. Disappointed, Jay threw his head back and stroked his hair. 

"Whe-Where's Joshua anyway? He wasn't in the maze and we didn't find him at the amusement park either." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Where had Joshua gone? 

"At some point he wasn't down there next to me and then I heard Sara's screams. That's all I know. Do you think he's involved somehow or something?" I asked thoughtfully. Jay snorted disdainfully and looked at me. 

"Not just kind of! I'm sure he has something to do with it. After all, his disappearance isn't exactly inconspicuous. People are getting attacked by Inferiors in the maze and he's the only one not down there anymore, hmmm... totally normal." 

"Anyway, I'll try to get more out of him tonight." I affirmed. 

Jay stood back up and said, "You better do, or you're out of the mission, little miss I'm-coming-loose-against-an-inferior." I stood up as well and slapped him lightly on the upper arm. 

"I haven't been trained well enough yet, okay? But at least I was able to dodge him on the first attack." I said. 

Jay replied, "Oh wow, that's something. Then you don't die until 10 seconds later when the Inferior actually planned it." 

I laughed in amusement. Jay was kind of funny. 

He squatted down in front of me and instructed me to get on his back. After I did that, we were already speeding through the dusk. By now it had gotten even darker. When we arrived, I got off Jay's back and we walked the rest of the way so no one would notice our little trick of locomotion. I felt a little dizzy again after the ride on his back, but it subsided as quickly as it had come. 

When we finally arrived at the others, a stressed Jungwon came to meet us. "That woman is a fury! She's already sent out search groups of students to find you at the amusement park. We told her that we were lost and that you have a bad sense of direction. But I don't think she'll buy our act for long, so come on now!" 

We hurried after Jungwon to the others, pretending to come straight out of Wondercrystal Palace. And there she was, an upset and distracted Mrs. Chwe, who kept looking at her wristwatch in a hurry. 

When she caught sight of us, I was already expecting a big thunderstorm. She ran towards us and breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh my goodness, I am so glad that you little children are all right. I thought something had happened to you. But how do you look!" 

I looked down at us. We looked like we had spent our lives on the streets. Crap. Luckily, my hair covered the bite marks. But I was really surprised by her. I thought the woman would make us totally down, because we caused her such a stress. In the end, she was a very caring teacher. 

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