5 ¦ Things Girls Like

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A few days had passed and the ball was just around the corner. I was just on the way to Sara to go shopping with her. I just prayed that the village here somewhere had a decent fashion store. We were each going to pick out a dress. 

I rang the bell at a red brick house, where upon none other than Sara stuck her head out of one of the windows. 

"I'll be right down!"

I smiled at her and nodded. 

A few seconds later, she was standing in front of me, dressed in everyday clothes. She was wearing grey jeans, a dark blue turtleneck, dark boots and a beige trench coat. 'Perfectly color coordinated'. She looked really classy. Sara pushed her glasses up further as her cheeks turned pink. 

"Do... Do I look that weird in normal clothes?" She asked uncertainly. I hastily shook my head and enlightened her, "No, God No! You just look perfect, which is why I was staring at you. Eren would fall in love with you instantly if he saw you outside of school!" 

She looked at me startled and said a little louder, "Yeah, you really think so?" Haha, gotcha! So she really liked him.I grinned widely at her. 

"Absolutely! Now let's get going. We'll pick you out a dress that will leave him speechless." She laughed softly and nodded.

The colorful autumn leaves bathed the street in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The wind was blowing gently and for the first time I experienced a cloudless day in this village. As we strolled down the street, Sara bit her lip and finally asked, "Now that I'm sure you've noticed who I like, I also wanted to ask you if there's anyone you like?" The question was unexpected. 

"Let me think about it..." She just nodded. 

Hmm, Jake was too much of a wannabe bad boy for me. Jungwon was actually okay, but also kind of confusing. Jay was too dominant for me and Sunoo was too mysterious. Sunghoon I couldn't judge so well and Ni-ki I couldn't care about after his night raid. Heeseung was... quite sweet. But to be sure, I didn't know him well enough yet. But he had said that I was a beauty. And he wasn't as pushy as Ni-ki. 

"You're smiling all dreamy, Miri." Sara snapped me out of my thoughts. I blinked at her in wonder, already stammering away. 

"What, no, GHELL NO!" Obviously I had said that way too loudly, as a few passersby eyed us with interest. I sighed and muttered, "Well.... I might possibly find someone cute there, but I've only known him for a short time." 

She smiled at me and asked eagerly, "Does he go to your dorm?" 

I nodded and said, "It's Lee Heeseung." 

She thought hard and then said, "Hmm, I've heard his name before but can't put it to a face right now. You show him to me sometime, okay?" I nodded with a smile. 

Suddenly we stopped and Sara pointed to a pastel colored store with the word Belles written on it. It looked like a granny store, but I feared it was the best there was in evening wear. As we entered it, an older lady immediately approached us. Her style of dress reminded me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. When I noticed this, it sent shivers down my spine. Let's be honest, no one liked Umbridge. 

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