43 ¦ Blessed-Cursed

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The first thing we had to listen to was a ten-minute monologue delivered by this Yeosang guy. I could pick up from the people next to me that he supposedly wanted to become an actor at some point. Fitting, as authentic as he sank to the floor of the stage crying and screaming at the end of the desperate monologue. Listlessly, I sipped my bright blue reception drink. Non-alcoholic, of course. This Yeosang was definitely going to be something again. He had the talent for it. 

After that, more people followed, who performed good and not so good things. I mean, who was into sock puppet theater or singers who couldn't hit a note? 

Eye-rolling, I pushed my way through the standing spectators and headed for the diverse buffet. This time, after my latter experience, I preferred to skip the punch and grabbed a piece of bread. Just then a pianist began to play. Wow, it was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Alexandre Desplat. It was beautiful

I enjoyed the symphony of sounds and chewed on a piece of bread. Next to me stood suddenly a smiling Josh and said: "Don't worry, this time the punch is good" 

Apparently he had noticed my suspicious looks, which applied to this. Abruptly my grin disappeared and I asked, "How do you know about that?" His usually perfect smile faltered and I stared at him more piercingly, hoping he would relent. 

He swallowed briefly and said, "Y-your roommates told me about your experiences. That someone here was supposed to have put something in the punch bowl at the Autumn Ball." CERTAINLY, Mr. I'm-locking-myself-in-my-room. Like they talked to each other much! Why would they tell one person in particular something like that? Sure, he knew they were vampires, but still... why would they tell him something like that? That didn't fit at all. 

I suspiciously asked, "And how do you know for sure that it's not like that again, huh?" 

Wrinkles formed as he raised his eyebrows reproachfully and replied, "Mira, is there anything in particular you want to tell me?" He took a step closer and stared at me coldly. So slowly this guy was really getting on my non-existent sack! 

I pushed him back a step on his shoulder again and hissed, "No. You to me?" 

The staring contest was interrupted by Ni-ki, who reached out his hand between us for the bread basket and said, "What's this about? Oh, never mind now. It's our turn in a minute, Mira. Come on you have to get all the way to the front to see us properly!" Riki roughly dragged me to the front of the stage and then left me standing there.

I muttered in a huff, "No, I didn't want to eat any more Ni-ki..." and sighed. This guy... 

After a few minutes of muttering, the curtain went back up and a pitch black stage was visible. Breathless silence reigned, with the exception of a few guys gasping or people who coughed in between. 

Bright light illuminated the stage and you could see the shadow of 7 guys, my boys.

All of a sudden there was music, which sounded quite like rap, and then you heard the first voice that sounded a lot like Jay. "Oh, whoa. We go (go, go, go ,go, go, go)

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