4 ¦ Testing 1-2-3

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He slapped his hand over his mouth and then said, "Ah, well...us men, of course!" 

Okay, not a very good justification for the 'almost-kiss', but I took it for what it was worth.

 "Ahm...yeah right. Just don't do it again, okay?" I said. He grinned again and headed for the door, "I'll try to restrain myself, my beauty. But don't forget: I want you to stay!" 

With those words he left my room. Now that was cute again. I felt myself starting to smile. No, NO! I was not allowed to weaken.

I lightly slapped my head to stop my strange thoughts. Never before had a boy called me a beauty, let alone been interested in me. That had been possible thanks to the countless boarding schools for girls. It was certainly because of this that I now became weak. Shit! I had just almost had my first kiss. But he was kind of cute already. I smiled again and put on some comfy clothes before running downstairs to see if there was anything else to eat. 

I had so missed dinner, I laughed softly. 

I jumped down 3 flights of stairs at a time and as karma would have it, I flew down on the last three. I literally kissed the hard, cold, cream-colored tiles of the entrance hall. Shit did that hurt!

With difficulty I straightened up again and felt my lips. Fuck, small wound. I was so talented. Just then, Sunghoon came around the corner and asked with a laugh, "Did you just maul yourself?" I nodded and he started staring at my lip. 

No, REALLY, he was staring at it like he had never seen a wound before. He slowly approached me and looked at it more closely. His breathing became faster and stronger. He came closer and closer to me and lifted my chin. Annoyed, I asked, "Yaaa, that's a wound. So where do you guys keep a first aid kit around here?" 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He then moved away from me again and hissed, "Better watch out next time, damn it! Sorry... I... I have to go upstairs right now!" 

He then ran up the stairs. Stunned, I called after him, "Um, yeah thanks for your help too!" 

They were all really a bit strange here. Never seen a wound before, or what? Shaking my head, I searched the downstairs for Levi, the only helpful guy besides Jungwon. I entered a living room where he was sitting on a brown leather armchair reading a book. Without looking at me, he asked, "Do you need anything, Miri?"

I said, "Uh, yeah a cloth or something would do..." He put his book aside and looked at me. His eyes widened and he jumped up from his chair.

He cursed, "Oh, crap! We should treat that quickly!" What was going on now? 

He grabbed my hand roughly and pulled me out of the living room. Levi then opened a side door in the entry hall and pulled me down a flight of basement stairs behind him. Okay, creepy... 

"Where are we going?" I asked, unsure. He looked at me and said irritably, "We're going to take care of your wound right now! And in the future, you need to pay more attention!" 

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