2 ¦ Praise Nightmares

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He was completely out of his mind! 

I would just ignore the whole incident as much as I could, because that was definitely the best decision.

I still had half an hour until dinner was served. So I used the time to unpack my suitcase. I put all my clothes in the dark closet and connected my cell phone to my beloved stereo. 

Immediately 'Pray For Me' by The Weeknd blasted through my room, and not too quietly. I loved this song. I sang along to the first lines and enjoyed the rhythm. 

Music was the one thing that always stayed with you. I was still changing, but in the bathroom, which could be locked. You couldn't know which lunatic would burst into the room next. I changed into gray sweatpants and a tight white top with spaghetti straps. My typical deadbeat outfit. 

I exited the bathroom and danced to the chorus from the song. My eyes fell on the clock, which already showed 20:11. Oooops, dinner was served right now. I turned off the music, left my room and hurried down the big wide staircase. 

Well, I didn't know where the dining room was. I looked around questioningly and just opened a door under the wide staircase. Another staircase that led into the dark nothing. Okay, that was definitely not where the dining room was. 

Next try! I opened a door to the left of the stairs. Eight pairs of eyes focused on me. Yep, definitely the dining room. Everyone was seated at the long, gilded table and Levi again welcomed me. 

He was very kind to me. You see, he didn't have that I'm-the-houseman-listen-to-me-bitches vibe, but instead had a down-to-earth, personable manner. I sat down at the only free seat. He then asked the guys to introduce themselves. The guy on the far outside began. 

"I'm Sim Jaehyun but feel free to call me Jake. We're happy to have fresh meat with us." He laughed softly. His neighbor poked him in the side. Okaaay...didn't need to understand, did I? 

The one next to him continued, "I'm Nishimura Riki but you can call me Ni-ki or Riki as you prefer. Welcome to House No. 1." I smiled and thanked him. It went on from person to person.

 "You already know my name..." I nodded. Yes Jay had left a lasting impression. Sitting next to him was... Sunoo. I had a bone to pick with him! 

"Oh, Sunoo. It's you! Yeah, I know you already." I said annoyed, drumming my nails on the tabletop. 

He grinned at me and said, "I was wondering if you forgot my name, Miri." Jake looked at us in wonder and began grinning dirtily. 

"How do you two know each other already?" He hooked. I enlightened him. 

After I finished, he looked quite disinterested again and mumbled, "Aish..." 

What did he expect, a love story? After the others introduced themselves as Sunghoon, Heeseung and Jungwon, we started to eat. 

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