20 ¦ Stupid Situation

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"Yes, but I left my hometown of Saas-Fee behind me a long time ago, so depressed mood aside. But tell me, why are you actually squeezing me out like this? Am I that interesting to you?" Josh asked. Okay, he was slightly drunk, but not drunk enough yet to not question anything. Genius, how did I get out of this one? 

I threw my hair back and said convincingly, "Oh, you know, I'm just interested in you. I mean, wouldn't you be interested if someone suddenly transferred here in the middle of the school year? I guess there's nothing surprising about that curiosity, is there?" 

Grinning, he set his glass down and chortled, "Right again. I'm sorry I'm in such a mood. But I'm just not used to being asked questions by a pretty girl like you, you know?" I nodded in irritation. This was getting weirder and weirder. All of a sudden I had the urge to go back to my own bed reaaaaally fast. 

He repeated with a grin, "A really pretty girl..." Joshua's face came closer and closer to mine and he put one of his strong arms around me. 

Oh no, no, no... What was this turning into? What was I supposed to do? Dang it! I couldn't just kiss him now, could I? I had pretended to be into him, but to kiss him now? That was simply not possible! 

He looked deep into my eyes and came closer and closer to my face. My hands were shaking with excitement and I was alternately hot and cold. When I thought it was over with me, suddenly there was a knock on our door. Hallelujah, the salvation of heaven! I looked up and formed the word, 'Thank you!" with my mouth. However, in such a way that Josh didn't see it.

He quickly released his arm from me and I stood up to open the door. There stood Jay, looking at me emotionlessly, as he always did. 

"Sorry to bother you guys, but do you guys have an extra pillow? We were about to go crash when we realized we were missing one and we're all dead tired." He asked calmly. Josh raised an eyebrow in surprise and tossed one of his pillows to Jay. I wasn't sure if Jay had done that on purpose, but he had saved me from a kiss with Joshua. Just as I was about to close the door again, we heard screaming from the hallway of the hotel. Jay, Joshua and I looked at each other questioningly and opened the door to our suite to see what was going on out there. Because of the noise, everyone else came out of our suite as well and squeezed down the hallway to the small main lobby of the floor where the two elevators were. 

We spotted other students who were also watching the amusing spectacle and Josh whispered irritably to the group, "Is that the whiskey right now, or are you guys seeing this too?" 

We didn't take our eyes off the action and replied, as if from the same mouth, "We're seeing it too, don't worry." 

In front of us, Jimin ran up and down, shouting frantically, "Calm down! Who's doing room inspections at 3:30 in the morning?! This violates our privacy!" 

Angrily, Mrs. Chwe threw one of her gray slippers at Jimin, who was taking cover behind a potted plant. 

"Why does that angry Auntie always have it in for him?" I whispered to the group. 

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