8 ¦ Not Believing My Eyes

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Right after I nodded, Jungwon grabbed me and lifted me up like a bride. The next moment, the school building was far below us.

"Whoahhh! How awesome!" I shouted euphorically and laughed. We were high up in the air. Just like that, he overcame gravity and flew. Amazing!

He grinned and replied, "Yeah, that's really cool." I nodded vigorously. But at the same time, it was really cold as hell up here. Me in my ball gown, which didn't cover my shoulders one bit, was freezing my ass off.

Jungwon continued talking as we slowly approached the school roof again: "We all have different abilities, but there are also some that we all possess, such as the enormous force with which Heeseung thundered the inferior against the wall earlier, enormous speed, or our heightened hearing. One of my own abilities would be, for example, that I can overcome gravity. And Jake, for example, can just put people to sleep, he just needs to look them in the eye long enough. He once let me totally crash away in math class. I still am angry at him for that to this day!"

Jungwon laughed out loud. He seemed so carefree and open now that I knew about his secret. I was much more sympathetic to him this openly than before.

Suddenly, it finally clicked in my limited brain. Jake could put people to sleep? So he had really been in my room that night and kissed me? That asshole had stolen my first kiss without me realizing it. Well wait, the next time I see him it would be a slap in the face!

"Why do you look so angry, did I say something wrong?" Jungwon asked in irritation. I quickly shook my head and muttered, "No, no! I just realized some things." He smiled at me and set me back down on the school roof.

Suddenly, many figures were seen running out of the school into the dark forest.

"What the...?" I muttered in confusion. I looked over from what was happening to Jungwon questioningly. He enlightened me.

"Those are the rest of the Inferiors who escaped us and are now fleeing. The rest should be lying around slaughtered somewhere in the school." Disgusted, I swallowed down the lump in my throat. All this vampire stuff was so new to me. Jungwon was with me right now, but there was still a certain panic spreading through me. I leaned against the rough stone wall, of the entrance and tried to calm myself down.

"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said that. But I assure you that you are always safe with us around, Miri." Said Jungwon. I just nodded mutely. Yes, I would be happy not to end up as an inferior snack.

I looked back at Jungwon and asked, "How old are you anyway?" He started laughing.

"You don't want to know." I tugged lightly at his jacket, curiously prompting him.

"Yes I do! Now tell me!" He removed my hand from his dark green jacket and explained, "Let's put it this way, I definitely lived through the 18th century. Terrible time..." I stared at him in disbelief. He had held his own.

"A-and your body?" I asked curiously.

He raised an eyebrow and replied, "Physically, I'm about in my early 20s."

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