28 ¦ Nights Out

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Silently we moved through the cool streets, which seemed to sink slowly in the darkness of the night. The gray clouds of today at noon had meanwhile disappeared and allowed us for once a starry night.

In the end, however, I had no idea where Ni-ki was dragging me, but for once I went along, since I had nothing better to do today anyway. After the previous argument, the evening could only get better. The cold wind brushed my hair back and made me shiver slightly. 

Ni-ki took me to 7Clouds. Oh, I hadn't been here for a long time. The last time was with Sara about a month ago. 

Ni-ki entered the café and pulled me through the entire store. Irritated, I asked, "Uhm, aren't we going to sit down? Where do you want to go?" All that came back was an ignorant, "Psschtt...." 

And just like that, Riki disappeared with me into a door that had NO ADMISSION written on it in big red letters. Behind it was a much larger café. Most of the visitors were darkly dressed and looked like depressed artists. Welcome to philosophy class

With a question mark on my face, I said, "Uhm, first of all where are we and second of all what kind of people are these?" 

Laughing, Ni-ki replied, "This is the real 7Clouds. This is the part for vampires. Everyone you see here is one, or a werewolf." 

Astonished, I looked at him and whispered energetically, "W-what, werewolves?! Why didn't you tell me before that they exist too?" 

Laughing, Ni-ki replied, "Hahahaha.... You are so stupid! Werewolves don't exist at all!" 

Pissed off, I looked at him and said reproachfully, "Oh, sorry for thinking of such a far-fetched thing, Mr. Vampire." 

Grinning, he stroked me on the head and said, "Okay, okay. Don't be mad, little one. I'll get us a drink in a minute, okay? Why don't you have a seat?" I took a seat and looked around curiously. 

Suddenly, a little blonde's gaze met mine and a strange staring contest ensued. Now the woman rose and came toward me. With a condescending grin, she sat down next to me and asked, 

"Well, you must be new here. Because I've never seen you here before. I'm Noelia." 

"Ahm, yes. This is my first time in the back of the 7cloud. My name is Mira," I replied quietly. Noelia looked me up and down and leaned her arm on the table, bored. 

She took a sip of her bright pink daiquiri and said, "You better make it up. Ni-ki chews through women for a while and then spits them out like tasteless gum. No one has a chance with him. And if you'll pardon the expression, no one like that." She looked at me critically from top to bottom, because I was not so dark, but quite colorful, compared to the other guests dressed. Stupid vampire buckle. 

I rolled my eyes, took a deep breath and irritably replied, "With respect, I don't need to be criticized by someone who thinks puffy sleeves are still in." Beastly, her eyes briefly turned slightly reddish, but calmed down when Ni-ki came to the table with our drinks. 

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