36 ¦ Good Old Days

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Jay stepped in front of the guy and, before fighting, said, "Just like the good old days." 

He then lunged at the first of the seven bandits and expertly knocked the sword out of his hand. He twisted and turned with a grin and defeated each of the guys with ease, as if he were sword fighting every day. Wow, I was impressed. I wasn't often impressed, but this fighting feat deserved all the respect it could get. 

When all the bandits were down, Jay swung the sword around in the air twice and shouted confidently, "Had enough? Now I'm going to get my girl back!" Grinning broadly, he walked up to me and stood behind the wooden pole to which I was tied. 

Grinning, he untied the shackles on my hand and whispered, "Who would have thought you would be so easily caught, Mira. I'm disappointed." 

Laughing, I hissed, "Shut up! You know I could easily have beat them all. But ruining the spectacle wouldn't be very cool." 

The audience clapped as Jay untied me and one of the knights approached us. He held out a wreath of flowers to Jay and said, "This is for her fair maiden. She has bravely persevered and shall be rewarded!" 

Jay accepted the wreath and turned to me. The audience chorused: "PUT IT ON! PUT IT ON! PUT IT ON!"  

First, he put it on briefly himself for fun. Jay gave me a big grin andthen put the wreath on me. He muttered, "How cheesy, but back then these things were totally in. You look cute, tho." Astonished, I looked at him. Was that a compliment right now? From Jay

"What did you just say?" I huffed to be sure. He scratched the back of his head and turned away from me. 

"Oh... Nothing at all. Just got a little off track. Come on let's go back to Hoon." He blocked. Disappointed, I followed him. I wanted my compliment right away. Wait... What was I thinking? I must have been off my game too. Why would Jay give me a compliment like that? Was I crazy? Was I psychatrically mature after all? He didn't really like me at all! And if then at most on a friendly level. 

We quickly stalked from the large area, through the crowd of spectators and pushed our way to a quieter corner. We walked past a few stalls until we stopped at the back of the market at a few cozy booths, where it was a bit quieter. Jay ordered himself some honey beer and Sunghoon did the same. 

Hoon, after my curious looks, offered me a sip and I tried it. Disgusted, I screwed up my face and said, "Eww... how can you drink this! Tastes totally disgusting and not a bit like honey..." 

Hoon just laughed at me and took a big gulp from his drinking horn. Jay commented, "You're just too sensitive for that, Mira." I raised an eyebrow and flicked his forehead punishingly. I then turned back to a jewelry booth and surveyed the silver treasures. So much bling bling! 

After a while, we went back to the meeting place. However, Hoon and I had lost Jay in the crowd. Where on earth had that stubborn turtle gone? It was already dawn. I looked at my cell phone and read that the others had already returned to the house. Were they serious? 

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