12 ¦ Secrets?

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The celebration was now just around the corner. Our dear Levi was at a conference and so we had all the freedom. I had already completed my training session for today. 

In a few minutes it would already start. I had put on a pair of gray jeans with holes and a black long-sleeved top. I wore my hair down again. 

I dashed into the living room to join the others and asked what else I could do. Hoon dashed out of the living room to get something and just called out to me, "Put on some good mood music, but nothing cheesy!" 

I shrugged my shoulders and, grinning, tapped away to the laptop, which was hooked up to the big stereo. I turned on 4 My People by Missy Elliott. Yes, that was a way to enjoy the evening. I looked around and realized I was alone in the room. Then when the chorus came on I danced away like crazy. 

I loved this song. Now put your hands up, wiggle your head, turn around and.... realize that you were no longer alone in the room. I swore the guys weren't standing there a second ago! Embarrassed, I lowered my hands and stared at the floor in shame. 

"Wow and I thought flying down the stairs and denying a room was the pinnacle of your embarrassing incompetence." Murmured Jay. 

I hissed, "Pff...at least I can dance!" And stuck my tongue out at him. A few seconds later, however, Jay proved me wrong and well I'd say he hiphopped me to my death. He certainly couldn't dance badly. 

To get off the subject, I said, "Shouldn't we all wait in the lobby for Josh?" Jay just grinned wryly at me, grinning with satisfaction. He had won this round. 

Just as we were about to leave the living room, Joshua stepped into the room and said, "Let's party, guys!" He grinned promisingly and sat down on the dark, leather couch. We started eating cake and talking. 

After a couple of hours had passed, it started to thunder outside. Jay got up and muttered, 'Time for my beloved Chardonnay!' He then disappeared and returned a few minutes later with two bottles of wine. The boys started drinking while I just sat there nervously. 

Should I drink, too? I was absolutely not sure. After all, I had a strong personality, didn't I? It wouldn't be befuddled by alcohol, would it? I thought back and forth, and then I reached for a glass. I drank and the wine tasted a bit strange, but not bad. Slowly the mood became more rebellious and funny. 

Everyone laughed a lot more and Sunghoon suddenly started dancing to the music that was playing in the background. Well, it was rather the alcohol he had consumed that was dancing. I had to grin totally. I was drunk at most, but clearly I could still think clearly. 

Suddenly King from Years & Years sounded. Louder than I wanted I shouted, "I looooooove this song!" And pointed to the stereo. I grinned widely. 

Just then Sunghoon lifted me up and threw me over his shoulders. Now he was dancing with me on his shoulders. It was a miracle that he didn't drop me. 

After some time, the boys talked about their childhood. "I used to be the best in hide and seek. I'm telling you!" Grinned Joshua. 

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