50 ¦ Sweet Jealousy

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Jay slowly approached me. I was about to run away when he held me back with vampire speed and pushed me against a tree. 

He whispered, "You've been getting on my nerves way too much for a while now." He was kidding, right? 

He looked at me seriously and raised an eyebrow seductively. I was captivated, once by his strong grip, but also by the authoritative look he gave me. I simply did not resist.

"No resistance at all?" He asked with amusement, biting his lower lip. Yes I was enchanted by his look and his closeness, but I had not lost my mind. I had nothing to lose.

I began to grin and purred, "You won't hurt me anyway." A provocative sample, I could only win at this game. 

After all, Jay didn't know I liked him. He retorted, his eyes red, "I'll take that as an invitation." 

He approached the left side of my neck and I felt his warm breath spread over my skin. In the next moment I felt a brief stinging sensation and after that a warm, light feeling, from my neck, flowed through my whole body. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. I felt safe, but also exposed to danger. What was I doing here? The way this was going, Jay had clearly won. He had full control over my body.

I muttered under my breath, slightly dizzy, "S-stop! S-stop it right now, Jay." 

He let go of me and stroked my left cheek. "Now you'll never say I'm shy again, huh?" He grinned. I stared at him, aghast. I still couldn't believe what I had just allowed to happen.

I looked to the side, ashamed. "Do you like me?" He asked, amused. 

Just as I was about to counter, Josh came out of the tent again. I never thought I would be grateful to Joshua for coming out. I breathed a sigh of relief and put my hair over the bite mark on my neck. I didn't know how I should have reacted to that at all. 

I was overjoyed not to have to speak any further and turned my gaze to Joshua. He suddenly looked around and when he looked to the left, he suddenly ran as if stung by a tarantula. He disappeared into the crowds of people, so that Jay and I could only follow with difficulty. 

We followed him and when we caught up with him, he was already standing with the others. We rejoined them a few minutes later as well and Joshua just explained with a smile, "My stomachache is gone and I thought maybe I should come to the festival after all." 

Wow. That explanation. Then why hadn't he gone looking for our group right away, instead staying in a beer tent for close to an hour? Jerk! I just didn't understand him. 

Jay looked just as pissed off and thoughtful as I probably did right now. How on earth were we going to get wise to him? Right now we had nothing on him.

Hee-jin POV:

After we had waited half an eternity at this one ramshackle stand, there was still no sign of Jay. That went perhaps against the grain! Now I was already once with him in a group, without this childish Mira and he had disappeared without a trace. 

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