13 ¦ Midnight Talks

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*Continuation of the last chapter*

Jay stared at me insistently and punched the wall vigorously. He was very tense. I tried to avoid him and leave the room, but he pulled me aside and kicked off the golden doorknob. 

"Jay?!!! What the-" that's as far as I got, as his eyes began to light up red, causing me to fall silent. Unmistakably, it was pure rage. 

"Aish... I don't trust this guy. He's fake from head to toe. And he's hiding something from us. I just overheard you guys. Who was he talking to earlier?" he hisses. I shook my head haphazardly. 

"I-I have no idea! He was talking to someone who must have been standing in the front yard. He said something about not having enough information yet." Jay raised an eyebrow and sat down on the bed. 

"Information about what?" 

I shrugged and said, "I don't know, he didn't want to tell me!" I crossed my arms and sat down next to Jay on the bed. 

"Why do you suspect him anyway? What made you suspicious?" I inquired curiously. 

He began, "When we were talking at the table earlier, he kept asking if any of the guys had a crush on you or were having a thing with you. He also wanted to know what our hobbies were and if we had any relatives at the boarding school. It may be that the others thought nothing of it, but for me it was obvious. This freak is trying to find out our weak points. I'm a judge of character, unfortunately. And next to you lives a very pathetic specimen of the human race!"

He pointed suspiciously at the wall behind which Joshua's room laid. I nodded. What was wrong with this boy? Joshua was really starting to scare me. But I could handle any human guy. When Jay was that angry, I trusted his instincts. He was really rough sometimes, but he knew how to handle certain situations. 

Suddenly, there was a crack in the wall. It started again, my own personal Motel California. Oh my god! I just couldn't handle paranormal stuff.  A/N: Mira you live with 7 Vampires...

I crouched down behind Jay on the bed and whispered, "Jay, did you hear that-" He put his hand over my mouth and hissed, "Shut up for a second!" We both fell silent and again a crack was heard. 

Jay removed his hand from my mouth and said, "I'm sure it was just that unstable old masonry. I've had that in my room before too, so stop crying!" Even if I did, I certainly wasn't staying here alone. 

"I'm afraid of supernatural things, don't you dare leave now!" I said seriously and in a shaky voice. He grinned and pointed a finger at himself, "Um, yeah you know, I'm supernatural." Okay, point for him. 

"Still, you're not creepy though!"  Well, not without red eyes.

Laughing, he rose and said, "Not a chance!" He tried to open the door, but reached into the void. Idiot, you kicked off the door handle earlier. His expression became more displeased and he sat back down with me, on the bed. 

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