27 ¦ The "Sun King" from France

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Curious, I tried to recognize through the tears, which had formed in my eyes from pain, who had thrown Blondie in the middle of the tin barrels. I could recognize a male person, who also had red glowing eyes.

Now a voice familiar to me said, "Really, little one! You can't be left alone." It was Ni-ki!

"Move aside shit faces!" He shouted and kicked the guys who were holding me aside. Immediately I straightened up and pulled out my Tazer. I could really use it right now. As Blondie stood up groaning in pain, Lily and Sara came running out.

"What's all the noise out here?!" exclaimed Lily, flustered. Seeing the scenery, she sighed deeply and asked, "What's going on?"

Blondie replied, "That stupid woman is just stressing out and acting inappropriately in other people's homes!"

Angrily, I walked towards him, however Riki held me back and said, "Easy there, little one!"

Rolling her eyes, Lily said, "Jisung, no one but you and your homies here is up for playing gangster, understand? Now just leave us alone and go do something productive!"

Jisung's stupid grin disappeared and he shouted, "Shut the fuck up, Choi! That chick came to us, yeah! I wasn't even near her."

Exasperated, I said, "You threw fucking fireworks at me, antisocial trash!" Blondie stood up, walked toward Ni-ki, and shoved him backward provocatively.

Meanwhile, he hissed, "Well well, what are you doing here anyway, huh? Fuck off! I don't remember you being invited either."

Ni-ki's eyes turned turquoise and he looked at Blondie seriously. "Grab me again with your filthy paws and I'll break every bone in your weak body!" Said Ni-ki menacingly.

Now Blondie's eyes also turned a bright turquoise and he hissed confidently, "I beg you! Like you stand a chance against me, you womanizer!"

In the next moment, Blondie punched Ni-ki in the face with a clenched fist. The latter withstood the blow and roared snarling at Blondie, where upon he grabbed him by the collar, spun him around and threw him once again between the garbage cans.

Laughing, I said, "Bingo!"

Grinning, Ni-ki got into fighting position and loosened his shoulder and neck. A/N: HOT HOT HOT...

He replied, "Well, I'm just a natural." Now all of Blondie's buddies formed a circle around us while Ni-ki, Lily, Sara and I stood back to back.

Sara cried out, "E-everyone is aware that I absolutely cannot fight and will pro-probably croak first."

She breathed in and out frantically as Lily confidently reassured her, "Don't worry, I'll protect you. After all, I'm a vampire too."

Astonished, we looked to her and instantly her brown eyes turned ice blue as well. This was unexpected... So she was in the 5% of female vampires. Why was I celebrating that right now, in such an inappropriate situation?

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