53 ¦ Time For A Confession

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My breath caught in my throat. Had I just understood that correctly? 

A meaningful silence spread between me and Jay. Suddenly, he pulled his arms out from behind his back and pulled me into his arms with a powerful jerk. How had he gotten loose? 

All at once I felt him tampering with my bonds and a tremendous heat crept along my arm. It smelled burnt... 

"Ouch!" I exclaimed reflexively, suddenly able to loosen my hands. Concerned, he took my hands in his and looked at me. 

"I'm sorry. I burned you slightly. It wasn't intentional, but necessary to get out of here." I stared at him, aghast, but then nodded. So his superior ability was fire? 

I automatically had to smile and hugged him. I just had to do it. If not now, when else? Usually we were always bitching at each other, and now we were both just being ourselves, without the protective walls of our beloved sarcasm.

I felt him hug me as well and just stayed like that for a moment. It seemed as if time stood still and yet at the same time flew by. How long had we been in this position? I didn't know and in the end I didn't care. It counted only that I could be in his arms. In the arms that belonged to the person who risked everything to save me, Jay

I opened my eyes and saw his countless abrasions. Unbridled rage rose in me as I thought of how someone righteous, like Jay, had been beaten down by such idiots. He didn't deserve such a thing. 

I ran my right index finger along his wounded cheek, whereupon Jay created a little space between us and looked at me spellbound. I opened my mouth and wanted to say something, but my vocal cords didn't really want to. I closed my mouth again and tried again. 

Nervously I stammered, "I-I, Jay I-I..." I looked at the stone wall. What if he didn't like me after all and was only treating me this way because Joshua had kidnapped me? What if I now opened my mouth and embarrassed myself to the bone? 

'What if'  those words could be both a blessing and a curse. Why was I so cowardly and awkward when it came to my feelings for Jay? I looked at him again and tried to say something, whereupon he roughly grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. 

"Damn Mira, it's not that hard now! I'm tired of pretending that I don't love you." He growled and the next moment I felt his soft, demanding lips on mine. Was this really happening right now or was I dreaming? 

He lifted me up and pressed me against the wall. I buried my hands in his soft hair as he worked his way down my neck. It was an incredible feeling. 

After a few seconds, he lowered me back down and stared at me with a victorious grin. 

"I was right. You like me, Zaila." He grinned crookedly. 

Quick as a flash I grabbed him by his shirt and now pressed him against the wall. I got very close to him so that no leaf fit between us and hissed, "Even now, you still call me that? It's really unbelievable! Don't make me angry!" I grinned slightly. 

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