7¦ Truth you lied

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So we stood at the entrance of the ballroom and realized that we were the only mixed couples apart from Sara and Eren. Extremely modern, here!

Heeseung took my hand and pulled me into the hall as he smiled.

"Let's mingle a bit with the general public then, shall we?" I nodded with a smile. We walked in the middle of the action. The room was slightly dim and there was a karaoke machine.

"Ballroom and karaoke? All right..." I said with a grin. Heeseung raised an eyebrow and enlightened me.

"Just because the style of our boarding school is a little.... well, more classical, doesn't mean we're only going to watch opera here."

I grinned at him and followed up with, "You guys actually watch opera?!" He nodded and laughed. I really didn't expect that. Sometimes they really seemed like they weren't from this century.

When Blondie, who had rapped a song before me, finished, he casually put the mic aside and confidently asked, "Well, how was I?"

One of his buddies patted him on the back and praised him, "You just have the perfect rapper's voice, Jisung!"

A confident laugh escaped him. Automatically, I contorted my face in amusement and began to giggle. What a self-centered jerk. Jisung eyed me suspiciously and started, "What are you grinning so ugly about? I bet you can't even make a straight sound!"

Pissed off, Heeseung walked up to him, but I held him back and replied, "Oh, Blondie I'll take you on left handed!"

He raised his eyebrow in interest and challenged me. "Well, in that case... go on! Stand in the middle of the hall right now and do what I just did!"

He grinned as if he was sure I couldn't sing. Wrong thinking, blondie.

I grabbed the mic and stepped into the middle of the hall. I could hear people whispering.

"This is the first time a girl has sung at the Autumn Ball!"

"I wonder if she isn't overdoing herself...?"

"At least she's pretty..."

I took a deep breath and called out to the DJ, "Strategy by Alice Wonder, please."

I usually only sang songs by women, because they suited my strong voice. I always sang when I wasn't feeling well, or when I was in a particularly good mood. I loved to sing. I took a deep breath and when I heard the soft opening melody, I began to sing at the top of my voice. I put all my feelings into the lyrics:

May we rest in peace like the rest of them
May we know the consequences of the strategy
May he love me right, so she can sleep well
May we both survive the tragedy

May we fall asleep like it's all a dream
May we know the consequences of the strategy
'Cause when you call me love and stare into my eyes
I feel you strip me of my vanity

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