51 ¦ Here too?

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I felt pure cold on my right shoulder. My other one touched nothing. I was apparently lying in a sideways position on the floor.

My skull was throbbing incredibly. I was now increasingly aware of a throbbing, which was mixed with a burning pain. I probably had a wound in the back of my head.

I opened my eyes, only to stare at a dirty basement floor. Where was I?

I tried to move, however, my hands were tied together, which also explained my strange sideways position. What had this asshole done to me?

As I tossed and turned, I bumped into something. No, I bumped into someone.

"Here too?"


Hee-jin POV:

I was lying on my bed when the door was pushed open. An upset Jay ran his hands through his hair and looked around the room and bathroom.

I wryly said, "Hello to you too, of course you can come in." He rolled his eyes in annoyance and I grinned.

"Where is she?"

"What are you talking about?" Innocently, I continued flipping through my magazine.

Jay came up to me and said snottily, "You know who I'm talking about. Don't act stupid, I know you too well for that."

I pressed my lips together, put the magazine aside, and sat up straight. "That's right. And even though you know me so well, which includes my feelings, I ask you why you always talk to me only about her? Have you no tact at all?" He laughed with amusement and grabbed his forehead.

"Who really needed to move into this house, huh? You brought this on yourself, Hee-jin! It's not my fault!" Angrily, I stood up. He was right, unfortunately. Everything I'd been saying and doing lately was so not my style. Only my desire for Jay's closeness made me do and say crazy and irrational things. All just for him.

"Yeah, so what!? All I want is to be near you. I just can't help it. So you really feel purely nothing for me anymore? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?" I stared at him and felt a tear running down my cheek. He looked at me indifferently and said, "Nothing."

I nodded slowed down and something inside me calmed down, for some reason. I started to smile and said, "Okay, once and for all. I guess I'll have to give up on you then. I will, but my feelings will never change. Never..." I sat down on the bed and wiped the salty wetness from my face.

"So, you're looking for Mira. Shouldn't she be around here somewhere, after the prank?"

Jay raised an eyebrow in confusion and asked, "What prank?"

"Well, I helped Josh play a prank on Mira."

His indifferent look turned into a more than horrified expression and he grabbed me by the wrist. He pulled me up off the bed and yelled, "JOSHUA!?"

I stammered irritably, "U-uhm.... yes I-I was supposed to direct her to the back of the house and tell her that you were waiting for her there. I think he had some prank planned and needed my help. That's why I lied to her."

He squeezed my wrist even tighter and yelled, "HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST YOUR MIND, YOU STUPID COW!?"

My wrist began to hurt. He lost his temper so much that his right hand was on fire. His ability had always earned him respect from everyone. And now it was making me tremble.

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