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Yeah, I'd rather be a lover than a fighter
'Cause all my life, I've been fighting
Never felt a feeling of comfort
All this time, I've been hiding
And I never had someone to call my own, oh nah

I'm so used to sharing
Love only left me alone
But I'm at one with the silence 

When I got to the bridge, the audience started clapping along rhythmically, which motivated me immensely. I sang the rest of the song and grinned widely. Everyone applauded

I continued with Given-Taken. This song was too good to be true. You know when you feel so much for the melody of a song that you get goosebumps and tears form in your eyes. That's how I felt with this song. A/N: Nah cuz fr I love that song with my whole existence...

In the midest of those lines, people started waving their cell phones in time with the music. It was too beautiful. That feeling kind of filled me up. Sharing music with people who were then cheering you on was a wonderful thing. 

At the end of that song, everyone clapped again and Dreamers followed. While I was singing this one, I noticed Jay starting to bob along rhythmically. Did he like the song? 

A big grin crept onto my face as we made eye contact. But when I realized what I was singing about, my face became serious again.

When this song ended, the audience clapped louder than before and some even whistled. Jay clapped this time too and grinned at me. 

Now I sang the last song, which should put the people in a party mood: MY BAG. I started to sing and automatically got in a good mood. The people clapped along again and I was completely absorbed in the melody of this song. I finished the stage show, since I was the last one to perform, leaving an infectious celebratory mood with this song. 

When I finished, the audience whistled and I happily walked off the stage. Hoshi gave me my paycheck and thankfully said goodbye to me. I grinned broadly at Jay, who was still waiting in front of the stage. I walked up to him and tripped over the last step of the stairs. He saved me from falling and I looked up at him. 

He grinned broadly, "You can really sing great. I'm impressed. And I like Given-Taken. The singers really seem to have a clue about the world. Plus, it looks like you've got a bunch of new admirers." I glanced to my right and saw a couple of guys my age staring over at us.

I looked back at Jay and smiled, thanking him, "Thank you so much for giving me more encouragement earlier. That really helped me, Jay." 

He smiled softly  and with so much kindness in his eyes for the first time and replied, "You're welcome." He stroked my hair and just smiled. For some reason we stayed in that position for a while and just stared at each other smiling. 

"Jay, Mira, what the hell are you doing here?" We heard an all too familiar voice ask. Jay's and my smiles died. We disengaged from the hug-like position and fussed. 

Standing in front of us were Jake and Levi. WHAT WERE THEY DOING HERE! 

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