Part 2: Then We Improvise

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Lunar's POV

I was in the middle of a big fight. Looking around I saw a trooper coming at Echo from behind. Before he could hit him I hit him in the face with the plate I picked up from the ground. I hit him so hard that he fell to the ground and fainted. 

Echo: "Thank you." 

He went back into the fight. I heard fast steps approaching me. Looking back I saw two troopers running toward me at great speed. Before they could get me a hand came around my waist and pulled me out of the way so troopers just ran past me hitting other troopers. Looking at who just saved me I saw that it was Crosshair. 

Crosshair: "Try to stay alive." 

Placing me behind him he began to fight troopers as well. I picked up another plate and began to cover Crosshairs back from other soldiers. 

Tech: "Echo, watch out!" 

Turning around I saw a trooper running towards Echo who was on the ground. Before we could stop him he hit Echo in the head knocking him out. At that moment more troopers came into the room and the fight was over. I ran to Echo and together with new troopers we took him to the medic room where I could check him. Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech had to stay back when officers demanded to know what happened.

AZI: "But mistress Nala Se summoned you to the sub-level medical wing. You must go."

Me: "I'm staying here until he wakes up."

 I said as I looked at the droid next to me. 

Echo: "Whe-Where am I?" 

Looking back at him I saw him slowly walking up. AZI began to scan his body and Echo's eyes winded in fear. 

Echo: "No! Get them off!"

He pushed AZI away as he quickly set up. He was panicking making me take hold of his hands.

Me: "Echo it's okay. It's okay. You safe."

He looked at me and slowly began to calm down.

Me: "It's fine. I know you don't like to be hooked up."

AZI: "Hello, CT-1409."

Me: "Call him Echo AZI."

AZI: "I am AZI-345211896246498721347. Your assigned medical droid."

Wrecker: "Ha! Told you he's alive!"

Turning around I saw others coming into the room. 

Wrecker: "You owe me two credits."

He told Crosshair who shook his head no. They all stepped around the bed Echo was sitting on. 

AZI: "CT-1409's condition is stable. But I have some distressing news for the rest of you. According to your test results, you all appear to be genetically defective clones."

All of them looked at each other in shock.

AZI: "I will leave you to process the shock of this revelation."

As he left Echo began to speak.

Echo: "We've got a problem."

Tech: "Not really. We're more deviant than we are defective."

Echo: "Not that. Admiral Tarkin's here. He's the one evaluating the clones."

Tech: "The same Tarkin from the Citadel rescue when you, uh...How shall I put it?"

Wrecker: "Blew up?"

Crosshair: "And turned into that?"

Echo sighted.

Echo: "Yes. And he's not a big supporter of clones."

Hunter: " We'll soon find out. We've been summoned by the prime minister."

Wrecker: "Guess he didn't find that mess hall fight amusing. But I sure did."

Me: "Before you guys go I would like to apologize for that. It was my fault that the fight even started."

I said as I kept my eyes on the ground. If I didn't start a fight Echo wouldn't get hurt. I stood up and looked at each of them.

Me: "I'm sorry."

With that, I left the room. 

Hunter's POV

We were sent to gear up and then we were led to the training facility. The elevator brought us up into the training room. Admiral Taking who was watching from the watch tower began to speak.

Taking: "The value of all clone troopers is being challenged by the Empire. To demonstrate your effectiveness, a combat proficiency test is in order. Take your positions."

Me: "We've done these a thousand times, boys. You know what to do."

Wrecker: "A battle simulation? Give us a real challenge."

Placing my helmet on my head we all went to take positions. Drones came onto the platform and together with the help of towers they began to shoot at us.

Me: "Crosshair, take the towers."

He went running towards the first tower as the rest of us continued shooting at the droids that were trying to get closer to us. As Crosshair got all of the four towers down he began to shoot at the droids as well. I looked at Wrecker and Tech.

Me: "Move in."

Wrecker: "Finally!"

Together with Tech, they run forwards. I looked at Echo that was next to me.

Me: "I will cover you."

He nodded and together we went forward as well. We all continue shooting at the droids when Wrecker had enough and ren forward by himself. That wasn't surprising to anyone. He shot the last droid down then he looked at the watch tower. 

Wrecker: "What else do you have? Gimme more!"

Wrecker turned around and began to walk towards us with his gun on his right shoulder. Suddenly two droids came from the lover deck and Wrecker began to run toward them. The one that he attacked pushed him back and then the other one shot him with a real laser.

Me: "They're using live rounds. Get Wrecker. We'll cover you."

I told Tech and he nodded. Tech was able to get Wrecker to cover just before the droid hit them. Crosshair began to shoot at them to get their attention but as they both began to shoot at him he had to jump off the tower. Even more, the same droids came from behind us.

Me: "Fall back."

I told Echo and Crosshair and together we took cover behind another wall.

Crosshair: "This is going well."

Echo: "These training blasters as useless on them."

Me: "Then we improvise."

I said as the idea came to my mind.

Me: "If Taking wants to test us let's not disappoint him."

I removed my mask so I could whistle to Wrecker and Tech. As they looked at me I placed my helmet back on my head and began to tell him the plan with a hand signal. The plan was simple. I wanted us to do the same thing we did on Felucia. Wrecker showed me a thumb up and Tech nodded. I nodded to Echo and Crosshair and together we began to shoot at the droids behind us. 

As Crosshair and I  kept on shooting at the droids others went and took one of the droids down. Tech began to hack the droids system. Then as he took control of the droid he began to shoot at other droids. They were going down one by one. The last one was killed with a knife that Crosshair shot in the middle of the air with his blaster and it hit the droid right in the head destroying it. 

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