Part 10: Force Sensitive

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Lunar's POV

As the ship landed stormtroopers came on board and began to search around. After not finding anyone on board they left. Tech opened the doors and Echo was the first one to get out of the hidden room with his blaster ready. Tech followed then he looked up at me and offered me his hands.

Tech: "Come I will catch you."

Dropping myself from the hidden room Tech's hands caught me and he gently placed me on the ground.

Me: "So how can I help?"

Echo: "You had enough action for today. We'll handle this."

He said making me look at him. Then I nodded and took a step back.

Tech: "Go to the security kiosk. Scoop in, copy the data, and grab the blank disks for me to program."

Echo: "Roger that."

As Echo left the ship I took a seat on the near chair.

Me: "I'm sorry."

Turning around Tech's brown eyes looked at me.

Tech: "For what?"

Me: "You guys lost Crosshair because you came back for me. I'm so sorry for that."

Tech: "No one knew what was going to happen Lunar. It's not your fault."

Echo: "I don't see any disks, Tech."

Said his voice threw the radio.

Tech: "They'll be locked in a safe compartment."

He said as he looked at the radio.

Echo: "Ah. Found them."

Tech: "Excellent."

Echo quickly returned to the ship and Tech began to work on the disks.

Hunter: "Tech, we're in the spaceport. What is your status?"

Asked his voice threw the radio.

Tech: "In progress. The encryption shouldn't be a problem."

Hunter: "Hurry up. We need those chain codes to get them on the shuttle, or we're going to have to blast our way out of here."

Tech: "Don't worry. I can slip through security unnoticed and deliver the disks to you momentarily."

At that moment the alarm went off making Echo and Tech run up to the window to check what was happening. I was about to follow them when I stopped and looked at the disks on my left. I can't let them get busted if this doesn't work. I took the disks and left the ship before they could notice that I was gone.

Coming out of the ship I quickly took cover behind the create. Looking from the corner I saw one trooper approaching the ship. Closing my eyes for a moment I took a deep breath.

Me: "Come on Lunar. Just as you practiced."

Before the stormtrooper walked past me I went on the order side of the create just in time before he could notice me. I took cover behind another create then I went on my stomach and began to crawl towards another create a little away from me. I saw three troopers standing a few feet away from the create and I knew that I needed to be extra careful and quiet. 

Coming to the creat I placed my back against the cold wall. I needed to distract those three stormtroopers so I could get past them. I saw a smaller create on the other side behind them and I knew if I could move it just a little it would make the sound that would get their attention. I pointed my hand toward the box and closed my eyes so I could focus. 

Opening my eyes I saw the create moving a little bit. Using more of the Force the box moved a lot and that got the stormtrooper's attention. 

Stormtrooper 1: "What was what?" 

Stormtrooper 2: "Let's take a look." 

As they went to take a look I was able to go past them without them noticing me. Just as I took cover behind another create many stormtroopers ran past me towards our ship. Because of the surprise, I took a step back and that's when my body hit something. Quickly turning around I saw a black droid. The moment the droid saw me it began to beep loudly trying to get the troopers' attention. 

Me: "No, no, no be quiet." 

Suddenly sooner hit the droid hard on the head shutting it up. It was Wrecker undercover and I was really glad to see him. 

Wrecker: "That hit the sport!" 

Me: "I'm really glad to see you." 

Just then his radio began to beep and he took it out of his pocket. 

Echo: "Wrecker. We could use some help over here." 

Wrecker: "On my way." 

He placed the radio back inside his pocket then he looked at me. 

Wrecker: "They're waiting for you at the docks. Better get going." 

I nodded then I ran past him and jumped over the lower fence that was on my way. I quickly began to run towards the docks which were pointed threw signs. I found Hunter and others just as they were about to leave. 

Me: "I'm here!" 

I came running up to them and showed them the chain codes in my right hand. 

Me: "With the chain codes." 

I offered the chain codes to Cut.

Me: "Tech made another chain code just in case." 

Cut stopped himself just as his fingers touched the chain codes. 

Cut: "You didn't tell her."

He asked as he looked at Hunter in front of me. 

Me: "Tell me what?" 

I asked as I looked at Hunter who was looking at the ground. He didn't want to look me in the eyes and I knew that it was something wrong. As Cut took the chain codes from my hand Hunter looked at him and they shared a look. 

Something was going on and I had no clue what it was. 

Hunter gave Suu the bag that he was holding and as they stepped forward Hunter approached me and that's when he looked into my eyes. He took hold of my hand and I turned my body towards him. 

Hunter: "That extra chain cod's for you, so you can leave with them." 

I took a step back. Now I knew exactly where this was going. 

Me: "No, no, no Hunter....I-" 

Hunter: "You have to go Lunar. Is for your protection." 

Trooper: "Quete holding the line up there!" 

Me: "No you don't understand Hunter...I can't go with them." 

Hunter: "Lunar..." 

Me: "Take me to any other planet and leave me there. I can't and I must not go with them. They will not be safe." 

Hunter became worried. He was still holding my arm forbidding me to make a step back. 

Hunter: "What are you talking about Lunar?" 

Me: "I'm...." 

Trooper: "You two get a move on!" 

Me: "I'm...I'm force sensitive."

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