Part 3: Something About Her

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Lunar's POV 

Nala Se: "Extraordinary, aren't they?" 

Takin: "That remains to be seen. Tell me about Clone Force 99." 

I looked up as he turned around. Why was he interested in them? 

Nala Se: "They are medically defective clones whose cellular mutations enhanced traits  desirable in a soldier." 

Takin looked away from Nala Se and his eyes met mine. Then he looked at Nala Se again. 

Takin: "How many of these enhanced  clones do you possess?" 

Nala Se: "Five are all that remain." 

Lama Su: "They could be an asset to your new Empire." 

Takin: "Yet reports indicate they exhibit a concerning level of disobedience and disregard for orders." 

Nala Se: "A side effect of their mutation." 

Lama Su: "Yet one that has never hindered the completion of their missions." 

Takin: "Then they executed Order 66?"

Lama Su: "Since both the Jedi General and Padawan on Kaller were eliminated, one would assume." 

Takin: "Assume nothing. Only the general's death is confirmed." 

He said as he walked past us. 

Takin: "A counter-report, filed by one of their own, says the Padawan escaped. Let us see where the loyalty of these clones truly lies." 

With that, he left the room. 

Nala Se: "You can leave too Lunar." 

I nodded and began to walk towards the doors. 

Lama Su: "How are you feeling today Lunar?" 

I stopped and looked back at him. 

Me: "I am feeling quite good." 

Lama Su: "Alright. You can leave now." 

I turned around and left the room so they could speak in peace. I knew what Takin was going to do with Clone Force 99 but before they left I needed to warn them about it. Coming into the space dock I saw Hunter making his way toward their ship. I began to run after him.

Me: "Hunter wait." 

Hunter's POV 

I was walking towards my team when someone took hold of my left hand stopping me. Looking back to see who it was I saw Lunar. She was standing really close to me with her hand holding my wrist. 

Lunar: "I'm so sorry." 

She said as she realized my hand and took a step back. By her facial expression, I could see that she didn't mean to touch me. 

Me: "It's alright. Is something wrong?" 

I asked as I turned so I could face her. 

Lunar: "I need to talk to you." 

Me: "What is it?" 

I asked as I saw a worried expression on her face. 

Lunar: "Takin. I think he had it out for you. I was there as he was talking to Lama Su. He doesn't like clones." 

I chickened. 

Me: "Ah, that's nothing new for us. But we get the job done." 

Lunar shook her head. 

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