Part 26: I Feel Safe

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Hunter's POV 

Tech, Echo, and I were busy fighting with Cid about our portion when suddenly a shoot was heard. I immediately grab a hold of my blaster and run out of the room. Echo, Tech, and Cid followed me. Coming into the room I saw the two civilians running out and up the stairs as fast as they could.

On the wall next to the stairs there was a bullet hole. Following the line of the way the bullet came, I saw a man with a hood covering his face. He placed his blaster on the table.

Cid: "Hey, what's going on here?"

She asked as she pushed herself past me.

Cid: "Who are you?" 

The man turned himself towards us and as he took off the cover I quickly placed my blaster away. The man behind the hood was our Captain. 

Echo: "Rex?" 

Cid: "Oh great. Another clone. Just what I needed. Well just don't get comfy. I don't take in strays."

She looked at me.

Cid: "This isn't a clone clubhouse you know."

She turned around and began to walk back to her office.

Cid: "Unbelievable. Think they own the place." 

As she left, Echo, Tech, and I approached Rex.

Me: "Captain."

Rex: "It has been a while boys."

Echo: "Where have you been Rex?"

Rex: "Hmm. That's a long story."

 We took a seat behind the bar and as Tech got us drinks Rex began to tell his story. 

Rex: "And when the war ended. I guess you can say I've been...keeping a low profile."

Tech: "Very low. The imperial flies have you listed as killed in action."

Rex: "Being dead in the Empire's eyes has its advances."

Echo: "Well, how'd you track us down?"

Rex: "Trace and Rafa Martez. They said a squad of rogue clones helped them on Corellia. They told me that I could find you guys here. And that you were traveling with a girl. Who is she?"

He asked as he looked at me.

Me: "Her name is Lunar. She is a clone. But she is not like us. She is a force-sensitive clone from an unknown donor." 

Wrecker: "Well looks who it is!" 

Lunar's POV 

Coming into Cantina I did not expect to see another clone with guys. Wrecker ran up to him and as he picked him up he gave him a big hug. 

Clone: "It's good to see you too Wrecker." 

As Wrecker placed the new clone on the ground the man turned his body towards me. He was tall, but not as tall as Wrecker. He had short blond hair and brown eyes. As he looked at me I could see his eyes winded in shock a little. 

Hunter: "Luna, this is Rex." 

Me: "As the Captain Rex?" 

I asked as I looked back at Hunter who nodded. Looking back at Rex he approached me a little. 

Rex: "I have met many clones in my time, but I never met someone like you before." 

Me: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rex." 

I offered him my hand to shake. He took my hand and we shook it. 

Me: "You are generation one." 

Rex: "How did you know that?" 

Me: "I can see it in your eyes. You were in many battles." 

Rex: "You are right about that." 

Me: "Sill for your age you look great." 

He let go of my hand so he could look back at the guys. 

Rex: "I like her." 

Wrecker: "We all do. Ah-" 

He took a hold of his head with his hand. 

Wrecker: "Tech, I need one of those med patches." 

Rex: "What's wrong?" 

He asked as he turned his body towards them. 

Wrecker: "Nothing. It's just a headache." 

Echo: "Which are becoming more frequent." 

Rex: "Is that so?" 

Tech: "If you're concerned about the so-called inhibitor chips, don't be. Our deviant nature appears to have impeded their functionality. Except in Crosshairs." 

Rex: "You are telling me you haven't removed them yet?" 

Tech: "No. Not yet." 

Rex stepped in front of me and then he placed his hand above his blaster that was behind his belt. Hunter pushed himself off the counter so he could take a step towards us. 

Hunter: "Rex?" 

Rex: "Those chips make you a threat to everyone around you. Even Lunar. You all are ticking time bombs." 

Hunter placed his hands up as he took one step closer to us. 

Hunter: "Take it easy Captain." 

Rex: "What is in your head is more dangerous than you can imagine. I've seen what happens when the chip activates, and I don't want to bury any more of our brothers. Trust me. It's not something you can control. I couldn't. It's a risk you do not want to take." 

Looking away from Rex I looked at Hunter who took a step back. I could see a quilt written over his face. Our eyes met for a moment before he looked back at Rex. 

Hunter: "How do we get them out?" 

Rex: "Good question. I will be in touch." 

He turned around so he could look at me. 

Rex: "Be careful." 

Me: "I am safe with them." 

Rex: "Still." 

With that, he left the cantine. I looked back over to the guys. All of them looked worried. 

Me: "Don't worry. Everything will be fine." 

Day later...

Hunter's POV 

We were in hyperspeed making our way to the planet Rex sent us the location to meet him. As much as I was happy about getting that chip out of my head I was blaming myself. Rex was right. This chip inside me could activated at any moment and I could have gotten Luna hurt. I didn't even think of that before. Just as I taught that she was safe with us...with me...I realized that she was in danger. 

Luna: "Hunter?" 

I quickly looked away from the motor so I could look at her. With a small smile, she took a seat next to me. She placed her hands on her knees. 

Luna: "I saw that look in your eyes." 

Me: "What look?" 

Luna: "The look of disappointment." 

A sight left my mouth. 

Me: "I was supposed to be the leader of this squad and keep all of us safe. I didn't even think that with chips inside we are still dangerous to you." 

 I said as I looked away from her blue eyes. I didn't want her to see me like this but I was really disappointed with my decisions. How can I keep her safe? Suddenly a hand was placed on my hands. I looked up to meet her eyes. 

Luna: "If you think that I don't feel safe with you and others then you are wrong Hunter. I never felt more safe with anyone before."

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