Part 45: Our Best Chance

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Lunar's POV 

Cid: "We are here. This ladder leads into my back office. Up you go."

She said as she showed us the ladder then she looked at Hunter. 

Tech: "Without eyes on the office, how do we know Roland is not inside?"

Cid: "I got that covered." 

At that moment she pressed a button that started to blink. Tech, Hunter, and Echo went up the ladder as Wrecker, Cid and I stayed down. 

Echo: "Uh. And I taught Wrecker was a slob." 

Cid: "Can the commentary. Roland wouldn't be gone for long." 

Tech: "Six creates of spice confirmed." 

Wrecker: "Great hand them over." 

He said as he went up the ladder so he could help them. As he got one of the creations down Cid and I began to carry them to the carts. One after another we almost had all of them. 

Cid: "Out of time, boys. Get the last two creates." 

She said to them throwing the comm device. 

Echo: "I'll seal the door." 

As soon as all of them were down and Wrecker placed the last crate on the cart we began to leave. 

Wrecker: "We've got incoming!!" 

Quickly looking back I saw him shooting at two carts that were coming at us with great speed and they were full of Roland's guards. 

Cid: "I said no blaster fire." 

Wrecker: "Tell that to them!"

He yelled as he and Echo took cover before blasts could get them. Hunter suddenly stopped the cart that they were on and we lost them around the corner. 

Cid: "If those laser brains woke the hive, we're all dead." 

Looking back I saw guys coming fast after us with no enemies after them. Suddenly I heard the noise that I heard before. 

Me: "What is that noise?" 

A bad feeling came over me. 

Me: "Cid I don't like this." 

The moment she looked over the fence I saw creatures flying out of the hole underneath us. There were thousands of them. 

Cid: "Power up the engines!" 

The engines began to work and we began to drive faster. 

Wrecker: "We have more coming!" 

Two more carts came after us with Roland's guards on them. But before they could get closer to us they were attacked by the creatures. I had to take out my blaster as the creatures were trying to get closer to us. I shot two down but then I had to duck one before it could grab me. Tech shot that one down. 

Tech: "They're avoiding the light. Use your torches." 

Me: "There are too many of them." 

One of the creatures jumped at me and cooked me out. It tried to bite me. Tech shot the creature dead in the head then he threw it over the fence. I didn't even have time to thank him, because I needed to start shooting again. Suddenly a lot began to attack the cart with Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo on it and because of that, they had to abandon it. The cart with a few creates fell into the hole down below. 

Echo: "Forget the spice. Let's go!" 

Hunter: "Wrecker, seal them in!" 

Tech and Cid got another cart behind the doors which Wrecker closed just in time before the creatures could get us. 

Wrecker: "Whew!" 

Me: "Well. At least we got rid of spices." 

I said as I looked at Cid who just looked at me, but said nothing. As we got back out we began to make our way back to Cid's cantine. 

Me: "Are you sure your parlor's safe?" 

I asked Cid who was walking next to me. 

Cid: "Bolo and Ketch said the Pykes already came for Roland. I told you they don't take kindly to unpaid debts." 

Coming inside my eyes winded in shock. Inside the cantine, there were a lot of dead men who worked for Roland. As Cid stepped forward into the room I did not follow until Echo stepped after her first. 

Cid: "See? My plan worked like a charm. Even better than expected." 

Just then a man was pushed into the room from the hallways that led to Cid's back office together with some people. He had handcuffs on and as he looked at Cid his eyes winded. 

Man: "That's her. She's the one you want." 

So that was Roland. And they had to be...

Pyke: "It has come to my attention that you have stolen our shipment of spice. Return it to us, and we will consider this issue resolved." 

Cid: "Not sure what he's been telling you but we don't have any spice." 

Pyke: "Kill them all." 

Hunter: "Wait. We don't have the spice on us but we know where it is." 

He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me back so he could step in front of me. 

Pyke: "My patience is wearing very thin. If you know where the spice is, then you should have no problem retrieving it. Until you do, the girl stays with us." 

In a second blasters were pointed at Pyke by the guys. I don't know who it was first but I was surprised. 

Hunter: "Not happening." 

Pyke: "You misunderstood. This is not a negotiation." 

Cid looked back at them as she then looked back at Pyke. 

Cid: "If I mey..." 

She turned her body around so she could face Hunter who was standing his grand in front of me. 

Cid: "You all don't realize who you're dealing with. If you don't lower your blasters, we're all gonna wish we were dead. I know you protect her Bandana, but let me handle this."

She said as she placed her hand on Hunter's arm which was holding the blaster. 

Me: "No it's okay." 

Hunter quickly looked back at me as I looked at Pyke. 

Me: "I'm staying." 

Hunter's POV 

Wrecker: "We can't leave Lunar with them." 

Cid: "We don't have a choice but we know where the spice is. We will return it and the girl will be fine." 

She said as she looked back at us meeting my eyes before looking back forwards. I was angry with her. Because of her and her spice Luna was how Pyke's prisoner. Hearing her say that she was standing made me feel useless. Before she walked past me she placed a hand behind my back and gave me her lightsaber. They can't find it on her. If they do they might discover that she is a.... 

Tech: "The pro-creatures we encountered in the cavern are Irlings. They are nocturnal insects with visual sensitivity to thermal registers. Our best chance is to strike before nightfall." 

Cid stopped and turned her body towards us. 

Cid: "Muscels and I will rappel down into the cavern and locate the creatures. I got the girl into this mess and now I will get her out of it." 

Turning around she went inside our ship. As I came inside I placed a lightsaber inside Luna's room before Cid could notice then I took a seat on my seat. Tech got the ship in the sky and began to fly towards the location where we needed to go. I could not get Luna's eyes out of my head as she looked back at us as she was handcuffed. 

Echo: "You will need this." 

He said as he gave Cid and Wrecker the belt for dropping. 

Wrecker: "Oh great."

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