Part 41: Isn't That What Soldiers Do?

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Lunar's POV 

After a big breakfast, Wrecker wanted to train with bombs and this time after explaining everything again I managed to turn it off just before it would explode. Wrecker was proud and so was I. I then helped Tech with fixing some stuff around the ship. Of course by helping I was mostly handing him things as he was fixing them. Then I helped Echo with cleaning and preparing the blasters. For the whole day, I was taught that we would not need to go on a mission when evening came and Cid called us.

We were sent to deliver packages of weapons to some civilians who needed help. As we got the package Wrecker placed it inside the ship, and we were on our way. Tech was flying the ship, but this time Echo allowed me to sit on his chair behind the controls. Of course, I had seen Tech flying before but sitting next to him was different. 

Me: "How long did it take you to learn how to fly like this Tech?" 

Tech: "In a day." 

Me: "Really?" 

I asked in shock. He looked at me and nodded. 

Tech: "It was quite easy. Just needed to understand the gravitation and controls." 

Me: "Can you teach me?" 

He immediately began to talk about all the controls that he was using. Of course, there was a lot of information but it was interesting. Still, I am wondering how Tech was able to learn all of this in just one day.  But then again he is Tech. I never met a clone as smart as him before. 

Soon we came to the location of our meeting. Tech landed the ship next to the ship of the buyers and as he opened the doors we all left the ship.  As Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo approached the three civilians I stayed back. I saw that one was a man, the woman was a woman and the third one was a child girl. 

Hunter: "Are you Gobi? Cid send us." 

Tech: "Along with three dozen blasters and a case of thermal detonators." 

Gobi: "Let's see them."

Wrekcper stepped forward so he could place the two crates in front of them. As Echo and Tech began to open them I saw the girl walking past Hunter and began to approach our ship in amazement. She approached me. 

Girl: "What type of ship this is?" 

Me: " A modified Omictron-class attack sutter." 

Girl: "Can I have a look inside?" 

I looked past her. 

Me: "Hunter, can she come aboard?" 

He looked back at me and nodded his head. I looked back at the girl. 

Me: "Okay, come on." 

I led her inside the ship and as she began to look around I saw shock in her eyes. She had never seen something like this before. I began to show her around. 

Me: "So over there is the nav readout, and this is the hyperdrive." 

Girl: "You sure know a lot about this. Do you fly?" 

She asked as she took a seat behind the control system. I took a seat next to her. 

Me: "No. I think Tech will not let me fly until I can recite all the ship's specifications from memory." 

Girl: "Specs are only half of it. Flying is... it's about a feeling. When I close my eyes and picture myself up there, I feel it. The instruments help guide you, but you plot your course. You're free." 

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