Part 15: What End?

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Lunar's POV

Me: "So where are we going?" 

Hunter: "Idaflor, that's where we'll go." 

He said as his finger touched the planet on the monitor. I was sitting in front of the small monitor with Hunter standing on my right and Wrecker standing behind my seat with his hands resting on top of the chair. 

Wrecker: "But Idaflo's not even inhabited.

Tech took a seat next to me making me look at him.

Hunter: "Which makes it the perfect place to hide out." 

Me: "Hide." 

I stood up and went to the control room so I could look out of the open space. 

Hunter: "What's wrong Luna?" 

He asked as he stepped next to me. With my hands crossed I looked at him. 

Me: "Don't take me wrong, Hunter. I have been stuck on Kamino my whole life and going back to hiding isn't really what I hoped for myself." 

Hunter: "I understand that is not what you hoped for. But we hate to wait for things to settle down." 

Tech: "Well, we won't be doing either." 

He said as stepped next to us. 

Tech: "We don't have enough fuel, and we are also entirely out of rations. Without the Republic to provide us with supplies, we'll have to acquire these necessities on our own." 

Echo: "We have an even bigger problem." 

We all turned to look at him. 

Echo: "Comm chatter has our ship's signature on a wanted list." 

Tech: "So we scramble it." 

Wrecker: "You can do that?" 

Tech: "Of course, I can do it." 

He said as he looked back at him. 

Tech: "But I need land in order to perform those modifications. By my calculations the closest planet is...Pantora." 

He showed us the planet on the monitor. 

Hunter: "Well, Pantora it is." 

As we came to planet Pantora Tech landed the ship in the middle of the small city. Wrecker and Tech left the ship so they could see what was in need of fixing and selling. In the middle time, Hunter and Echo went to change out of their uniforms. 

I removed the black cloak from around my shoulder and placed it on the chair next to me. Then I looked down at my dress. As much as it was comfortable for walking it wasn't really made for running. 

Hunter: "We need to get you something else to wear." 

He said as he approached me in his civilian clothes. 

Me: "Do you have any idea how?" 

Hunter: "We need to buy you some new clothes." 

Me: "But I don't have any credits." 

Echo: "We have some small savings." 

He said as he came to us. 

Me: "You c-" 

Hunter: "We can and we will. You can't walk around in that." 

I could see that I wouldn't change his mind so I just nodded in response. As Echo came the three of us left the ship and approached Tech and Wrecker. 

Wrecker: "You can't sell the explosive. It's our last one." 

Hunter: "And it's the only thing we have worth any money." 

Echo: "You wanna eat, don't you?" 

Wrecker: "Why do Tech and I have to do all the repairs when you get to go sightseeing?" 

Me: "Sightseeing?" 

Hunter: "No, no, no. This is a supply run. In and out, quickly and quietly." 

Echo: "Yeah. And you stick out too much." 

Wrecker: "Oh and you don't?" 

Echo: "Not dressed like this." 

He said as he placed a helmet over his head. He really did look more like a droid than a human. 

Hunter: "All right. Let's get moving." 

The three of us began to walk. 

Wrecker: "Hey! Bring back something good to eat!" 

Me: "Sure Wrecker!" 

I yelled back as I looked back at him for a moment then I continued walking. Hunter was walking on my left as Echo was walking on my right. The city was amazing. People were everywhere trying to sell their food as others were buying it. Some were even selling some small craters. 

Me: "So is this marketplace?" 

Hunter: "Yes." 

Just then I saw an older woman selling women's clothes. I stepped in front of her stall and looked around. 

Woman: "Hello dear. Are you looking for something elegant such as your dress?" 

Me: "No, not really. I am in need of something more ordinary." 

Woman: "I have something you may like." 

She showed me some clothes but all of them were really expensive and I didn't want guys to spend so much money.

Me: "I don't have a lot of money so do you have something not that expensive?" 

Woman: "I can see that the dress that you are wearing is really expensive. We can make a deal. You give me your dress and I can give you some clothes for the same price. What do you say about that?" 

Hunter stepped next to me making me look at him. 

Hunter: "You don't need to sell your dress. We have some savings." 

Me: "It's only a dress, Hunter. We need that money for food." 

I turned to look at the old woman again. 

Me: "You got yourself a deal." 

After finding my type of clothes the woman took me to the back of her stall where she had a cover wardrobe where I could change in peace. After removing the dress I changed into skinny black pants, black boots, a red tank top, and a grey jacket. As I was done I gave the dress to the woman then I approached Hunter and Echo who were patiently waiting. 

Me: "So who do I look?" 

They both turned around. 

Echo: "You look like a civilian." 

Me: "I will take that as a compliment." 

I said then I looked back at Hunter who just looked but said nothing. 

Me: "Hunter?" 

Hunter: "You look good." 

I smiled but then I heard people cheering and clapping making me follow the noise. I didn't need to walk far to see people cheering and clapping at Stormtroopers as they were walking on the road. 

Me: "What are they celebrating?" 

Hunter: "The end of the war." 

Me: "What end?"

Echo: "What do you mean by that?" 

Me: "Stormtroopers are everywhere. Whoever is not with the Empire dies. The end of the war means peace. I don't see peace. Not on every planet at least." 

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