Part 50: Choice Or Not?

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Hunter's POV 

With my hands in handcuffs, I was sitting on the ground. Two guards were standing by the doors.  Hearing steps I looked up just the moment Crosahair stepped into the room. 

Me: "Where are we going?" 

He came to me and took my comm device. 

Crossahir: "You will find soon enough." 

He said as she pressed the button. 

Crosshair: "And soon it will be your squad." 

He said as he stood back up and began to leave. 

Me: "Using my comm won't work. They'll know it's a trap." 

He stopped walking just to look back at me a little. 

Crosshair: "They will still come for you." 

Lunar's POV

Echo: "Spanner wrench." 

Me: "This is taking too long." 

Echo turned to look at me. 

Echo: "Lunar focus." 

Me: "I can't focus Echo. We have to go back to Daro and rescue Hunter." 

Echo: "We will, but we can't go anywhere until the shi's fixed. Hand me the spanner." 

Turning around I quickly looked threw the box to the tools and as I found the spanner I gave it to Echo. He turned around and began to work on the ship again. He was right. We couldn't go back until the ship was fixed. 

Echo: "That would do it." 

He said as he looked back at me. I nodded then together with him I approached Tech who was trying to get the system online. 

Echo: "The hull's patched." 

Tech: "Nearly finished getting the system online." 

Wrecker came running up to us. 

Wrecker: "I left Gregor with Cid. She wasn't too happy about it." 

Echo: "What else is new?" 

Tech: "We are up and running." 

Me: "Let's go get Hunter." 

He nodded and as he stood up beeping was heard coming from the console. Tech quickly stepped to it to take a look. 

Me: "What is it?" 

Tech: "His communication device has just been activated. It appears he is no longer on Daro." 

Me: "Where is he?" 

Hunter's POV 

The moment doors opened and Crosshair began to walk I was pushed forward by the trooper behind me. I immediately recognized the place they took me. Kamino. Admiral Rampart was waiting for us with some troopers behind him. 

Rampart: "Where are others?"

Crosshair: "They will be here. We'll intercept upon arrival." 

Rampart looked at me and then he walked past Corsahir so he could get closer to me. 

Rampart: "So you are the one they call: "Hunter." The destruction your squad caused on Ryloth got my attention." 

I stared at him without saying a word. 

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