Part 25: Our Tradition

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Lunar's POV 

The ship was shaking violently as the lights of blasts were flying past the window in front of the monitor. 

Hunter: "How much longer until we're in hyperspace, Tech?" 

Tech: "That depends on when Echo plans to get the drive back online." 

Echo: "I am working on it." 

I placed the seatbelt around me just as Wrecker placed the creature that we caught next to me. It was inside the cafe but with the sounds that were coming out of it, I could hear that the creature was angry. Wrecker placed the seatbelt around the cage. 

Me: "I don't think Ruby likes this so much." 

Wrecker: "You named that thing?" 

He asked as he took a seat in front of me placing a seat belt around him as well. 

Me: "I wasn't planning to. But it just looked like Ruby." 

Wrecker: "To be is one unglu lizard." 

Me: "You will hurt her feelings." 

Wrecker: "What's with these guys?" 

He asked as we saw ships flying past us. 

Me: "Well we did still from them." 

Tech: "Technically, the Rhokai stole the lizard first. We are nearly intercepting it." 

Hunter: "They don't see it that way." 

At that moment as we made a sharp turn the cage with Ruby fell on the ground and the doors opened. The lizard immediately began to climb Wrecker's leg. 

Wrecker: "It's loose! It's loose!" 

It claimed right onto his face. Wrecker placed the seatbelt off him. Standing up he took hold of the lizard and began to pull him off. 

Wrecker: "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!!" 

Me: "Wrecker calm down! You are scarring her." 

I got the seatbelt off me so I could try to stop Wrecker from freaking out. This wasn't helping him or the lizard on his face. Turning around he began to run. 

Wrecker: "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!!!" 

Me: "Wrecker look out!" 

He smashed himself right into the empty chair. Falling to the floor the lizard came rolling right in front of my legs. 

Echo: "Hyperdrive is online!" 

I placed the cage on top of Rubby so she could not cause any more trouble. 

Me: "I have her, let's go!" 

In the second we were in hyperdrive. As I got the blizzard inside the cage I went to check on Wrecker who was still laying on the ground. 

Me: "Are you okay buddy?" 

Wrecker: "Is that beast off me?" 

Me: "Yeah." 

Wrecker: "Locked?" 

Me: "Yeah." 

Wrecker: "Thank." 

I helped him on his feet. As we brought Ruby to Cid she took a closer look at it. 

Cid: "What is one strange-looking lizard." 

Echo: "What does your client want it for?" 

Cid: "Maybe it's a pet. Maybe he wants to turn it into a stew. Don't know, don't care." 

She turned around and began to walk away. 

Hunter: "As long as you get paid." 

Cid: "Now you are catching on. And guess what? That means you get paid too. Bring the lizard in the back." 

Echo approached the table on which was the lizard's cage and as he took it he began to follow Cid. Tech followed and Hunter did too. 

Me: "Am Hunter." 

He stopped so he could look back at us. 

Hunter: "What are you two up to?" 

He asked as he looked at me first then at Wrecker and then back at me. 

Wrecker: "The mission is over. Can we go?" 

Hunter: "Again?" 

Wrecker: "It's a tradition. It makes her happy." 

He said as he whispered the last words thinking that I didn't hear him. Hunter looked at me. 

Me: "Please Hunter." 

A sight left his mouth as he rolled his eyes. 

Hunter: "Don't take too long." 

Me: "Promise." 

And with a smile Wrecker and I quickly left up the stairs. Our tradition was that after every mission we would go out for some popcorn. When Wrecker told Hunter that it made me happy we all know that it made him even more happy. He was like a little kid each time he would eat it. Coming out we began to walk side by side towards the store where we usually got the popcorn. As I was walking I remembered what happened last week. 

I never felt so connected with the Force but when I was unable to use it when I needed it it made me feel weak. I wanted to tell guys about it but I didn't want to worry them. All of them had a lot on their minds. Since then I haven't even tried using the Force. 

Wrecker: "Why are you so quiet Lunar? Something wrong?" 

I quickly looked up at him with a smile. 

Me: "No nothing is wrong Wrecker. Just thinking." 

Wrecker: "Of that lizard? Mee to. It sure was ugly." 

A laugh left my mouth. Poor Wrecker was so afraid of it that I thought he would have a panic attack. As we came to the store the owner looked at us with a smile. 

Owner: "The usual?" 

He asked. 

Me: "Yeah but an extra large bag for him, please." 

Wrecker: "Really? Oh boy!" 

The owner quickly went to work and soon Wrecker and I got our popcorn portions. As I paid we slowly began to make our way back to others. The first time I tried this food was with Wrecker. He was so excited. Unlike others, he was the only one who liked this sweet popcorn.

Me: "You know what Wrecker?" 

I turned to look up at him seeing that his mouth was filled with popcorn. 

Wrecker: "Huh?" 

Me: "Maybe we could go and get some of the medical supplies. In one week we used a lot of it and we need a spear." 

Wrecker: "Good thinking." 

He said as he was trying to keep all the popcorn in his mouth but obviously, he failed. As we got the medicine I couldn't finish my bag of popcorn so I offered it to Wrecker who emptied his even before he and I came to the store. Glady he took my popcorn. 

Wrecker: "You are the best Lunar. I am so glad we are friends." 

Me: "Me to Wrecker." 

Back on Kamin I never imagine to have someone to call a friend. I am glad to need the team.

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