Part 19: Not Knowing About It

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Lunar's POV 

We all followed Cid into her office which was in the back room of the cantine. 

Cid: "I had a good thing going with the Jedi. They valued my insights, but now that they all are dead, the demand for my services has declined. Thanks to the new Empire." 

Hunter: "Times have changed...for all of us." 

Cid: "No kidding. I never had clone deserters come to me before." 

Tech: "Yes, well, we separated due to a fundamental difference in ideology." 

Cid: "That's cute, you think I care? Cut to it and tell me what you want." 

Hunter and Echo shared a look then Echo stepped in front of Cid. He placed his helmet on her desk then he turned around and began to work on the table that people were using for a map and hologram reading. Cid rolled her eyes.

Cid: "By all means, make yourself at home." 

As she took a step towards the table the hologram of my bounty hunter appeared on it. 

Hunter: "We encountered this woman on Pantora. Do you know who she is?" 

Cid: "No, but I know a bounty hunter when I see one. Let me guess she is after you?" 

She asked as she looked directly at me. Then she looked down at my hand seeing the bandage that Tech placed around the wound. Without responding to her question I gave her my answer. 

Echo: "Can you find out who hired her?" 

Cid: "That depends on what you boys do for me." 

The guys shared a look with each other. 

Cid: "Are you fresh outta the tub? You pull a job for me, and I get the information you want. This is how these mercenary things work." 

She said as she began to walk. 

Echo: "Mercenery?" 

Cid: "Not too quick, are ya? Clearly, the girl's the brains of your operation." 

Wrecker looked back at me offering me his hand. I didn't understand what he wanted me to do so I just gently placed my hand on his hand making him chuckle. 

Hunter: "What kind of job?" 

He asked making me look at him. 

Cid: "A rescue. There's a nice bounty on a kid named Muchi." 

She said as she took a seat behind her desk, taking a look at all of us. 

Cid: "My sources say she was taken by Zygerrian slavers who are holding up on the other side of the planet. Bring me the kid and I'll get you your intel." 

Wrecker: "Well, who collects the bounty?" 

Cid: "Oh, look. It talks. We split the bounty 70-30, my favor. Take it or leave it." 

Wrecker: "Grab a kid from a few Zygerrian?" 

Laughter left his mouth as he tossed his helmet from one hand to another. 

Wrecker: "We could do that in our sleep." 

With that, we left. As Echo and Tech were flying the ship toward the location where we were needed, I was sitting on my usual chair holding the necklace in my right hand. My eyes were focused on the crystal which was slowly moving around. Wrecker suddenly grunted making me look away from the crystal so I could look at him. Hunter looked at him as well.

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