Part 32: Sorry Little Lady

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Lunar's POV

As the cannon went off the ground shook. Crosshair was sent flying to the ground as a mental part hit him and the troopers behind him. Hunter quickly shot the other troopers down before they could hurt us.

Hunter: "Go!"

He told me and I quickly began to run with Wrecker just behind me. Because of the strong blast, the ceiling was coming down. Suddenly I saw a trooper coming from the corner. Before he could shoot me I pulled out my blaster and shot him in the chest.

Hunter: "Look out!"

He pushed me out of the way as part of the ceiling almost fell on top of me. He covered me with his body.

Me: "Thank you."

He nodded before he quickly picked himself up and then he helped me on my feet as well. All of us were about to leave the room as Crosshair and other troopers got stuck behind the pile of the ceiling when a trooper with a big firegun came on our way. We all pointed our blasters at him, thinking that he would move. But to our disappointment, he pulled the trigger and a strong blast of fire flew towards us. All of us moved out of the way before the fire could touch us.

Wrecker: "Woah!"

He threw the bomb at the trooper knocking him down.

Wrecker: "Direct hit. Yes!"

Me: "Good throw Wrecker."

Hunter's POV

Coming to the next room I saw that it was an ion engine chamber. To get forwards we needed to walk on a path that was next to the wall. With the flashlight in my right hand, I stepped on the path and began to walk. Looking back to see if everything was okay I saw Tech helping Luna on the path.

Wrecker: "The ion engine chamber? Why'd you bring us here?"

Tech: "Because this is our alternative egress off the cruiser."

Wrecker: "I don't even know what that means."

Coming to the end of the path I slid down the big part and then I waited for others to come as well.

Echo: "I didn't think you meant we'd be escaping through the engine."

Tech: "I could not be clearer."

We continue walking.

Luna: "So this is what the inside of the iron engine looks like."

Wrecker: "Nothing interesting."

Tech: "These chambers are quite the engineering marvel. The blast primer coating is capable of withstand-"

I climbed over one part of the engine.

Wrecker: "Yeah. No one cares! Keep on going."

Coming to the entrance of the engine I looked out.

Wrecker: "Well, now what?"

Tech stepped next to me and was about to make a step forward when a blast flew past him hitting the wall next to me. Tech almost lost his balance but I grabbed him and pulled him back. Looking past the wall I saw Crosshair.

Crosshair: "Try again Hunter. As I said before. You are surrounded."

He said and in that moment a ship came around with troopers. They began to approach us.

Me: "Double back."

We began to make our way back inside when there was a rumbling heard.

Luna: "What is that?"

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