Part 9: Good Plan

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Hunter's POV 

I was sitting behind the table talking to Cut and Suu when Shaeeah burst threw the doors. 

Shaeeah: "Mom! Mom, it's Lunar. She went out past the fence!" 

The second I heard that I jumped on my feet. Coming outside I saw her standing just a few meters away from the beast. Taking my knife out I jumped over the fence and began to run toward her.

Me: "Lunar!" 

The beast jumped at her but she jumped out of the way just in time. At that moment Suu shot the beast in the leg, making it angrier than before. Lunar quickly picked herself up but just as she was about to run I came to her. I began to swing my knife toward the beast. Suu shoot the beast again and that made the beast run away. With anger, I looked back at Lunar.

Me: "What are you doing here? Do you realize that you could have been killed?!"

Cut took hold of my left shoulder. 

Cut: "Easy. She is not a soldier."

I looked at him and that's when I realized what I had done. I was scaring her. Cut stepped in front of her.

Cut: "Are you hurt?"

She shooed her head without looking up.

Cut: "Now let's take a look." 

He took hold of her hands and that is when I saw that her hands were shaking. 

Lunar: "I'm sorry. I am so sorry."

Cut: "It's okay. You are safe. That's all that matters."

I took a step back as I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. I didn't want to hurt her. I didn't want her to be scared of me. 

Wrecker: "Hey are you alright?"

Cut: "Come on."

He stepped closer to her and as he placed his hands around her he picked her up. He began to carry her towards the house. 

Wrecker: "Lunar?"

Cut: "She will be fine."

He carried her towards the house together with his wife and children behind him. I wanted to follow but I didn't want to scar her any worse than I did. 

Tech. "All in all, I would say that could've gone much worse."

I could feel all threw looking at me as I kept my eyes on the ground.

Me: "Tech, you think you could forge, some chain codes?"

Tech: "I only learned them a moment ago, but sure."

I looked at him.

Me: "Do it. We're getting Cut, Suu, and the kids on that shuttle. 


I was outside keeping guard as I was thinking of what I had done when Suu came to me.

Suu: "Hunter."

Me: "I own you one. For earlier."

I said as I turned my body towards her.

Suu: "I can see that you care about her Hunter. Like Cut cares for me."

I was about to protest but I knew that she saw right threw me.

Suu: "But you still must understand that she didn't know that it was dangerous behind the fence. She never saw the danger."

At that moment Cut came to us without Lunar.

Me: "Where is Luna?"

Cut: "She wanted to stay on the ship." 

Me: "I've been thinking about what you said. And you are right. She is not a soldier or worrier."

Cut: "Just give her some time. She can become a great worrier."

Me: "I don't want war for her. She is too good for that. So I want you to take her with you guys. You guys can give her a normal life I...we can never give."

Suu: "Is that what you really want?"

Me: "I want her to be safe. But with me and my crew, she could never be." 

I turned around and left so I could think. 

Lunar's POV

I was sitting on a seat at the back of the ship looking out at the beautiful view. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks as I remembered him yelling. I did not blame him for yelling. I know that I was a failure. I was told that all my life. Echo and Tech were at the back talking about something. I stayed completely quiet so I didn't bother them.  

I removed the necklace that was around my neck and looked at it. Maybe leaving Kamino was a mistake. Even taught I was miserable there. Placing the necklace back around my neck I placed my legs close to my chest as the memories came back to me. As much as Nala Se wanted to protect me she could never protect me from the pain that I was going threw.

Just because they wanted a perfect clone. I closed my eyes. 

Voice: "You did what?!"

My eyes burst open and as I looked around I saw that the ship was flying. What was going on?

Voice: "Tech!" 

The voice belonged to Hunter and it was coming from the radio. By his tone, I could hear that he was really angry. 

Tech: "This was the simplest solution."

Hunter: "Getting our ship impounded is not my idea of a solution."

Tech: "We'll meet you at the spaceport with the chain codes. I have this under control."

Hunter: "There is one big problem."

I stood up.

Hunter: "Lunar is on the ship!" 

Turning around I saw Echo and Tech looking at each other. Then they slowly looked towards me. 

Me: "Hey guys."  

Echo: "So much for simple. We will look after her Hunter."  

He turned off the call then he approached me. 

Echo: "Are you alright?" 

He asked as he stopped in front of me. 

Me: "Yes." 

Echo: "Alright. Let's hide you before we land." 

Tech opened sacred doors on the ceiling. After he climbed into the hidden room he turned around and offered me his hand. He pulled me up and after I took a sit next to him Echo joined us and Tech closed the doors behind him.

Me: "I know that it's not the right time. But that's a really good plan Tech."

Tech: "Thank you."

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