Part 34: Coming For Ya

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Lunar's POV

Coming onto the platform I began to run as I began to type on the comm device.

Me: "Hello? Is anyone there? Can you hear me? Guys?"

Why weren't they answering? Did something happen to them?

Me: "Guys are you there? Come in. Come in."

Coming inside the building I continued running. I didn't know where I was going, I just must not stop. The building seemed abandoned as clouds were inside. Because of them I could not see the grounds underneath me.

Me: "Is anyone there?"

Hunter: "Luna do you copy?"

I stopped running as I heard his voice. He was alive.

Me: "Hunter. I got away, but you have to hurry."

Hunter: "Where are you?"

Me: "I don't know."

I said as I looked back to see if he was following. Then I turned back around and continued running.

Wrecker: "Hang on Lunar. We are coming for ya."

Echo: "The signal is too weak to establish a direct connection trace."

Tech: "Lunar we need a relay of your position. Try to create a power surge. Can you find a plane nearby?"

I came running to the doors.

Me: "There is one by the door. It looks like the ones in Tipoca City."

Tech: "That's good. First, see if you can activate it."

Pressing the three buttons I was surprised that they were working. The power came on a little and the doors opened a little.

Me: "It worked Tech. Now what?"

Tech: "Next you will need to reroute the circuits to overload the main grid."

Bane: "By hook or by crook..."

Turning around I saw him coming through the thick clouds. I took a step back and hit the wall behind me.

Bane: "You are coming with me."

Tech: "Luna?"

He reached for me but I quickly moved out of the way. I tried to run when his head grabbed me by my wrist.

Me: "Let me go!"

Tech: "Do you copy?"

He placed a hand cover on my right wrist.

Me: "Hunter please help!"

Hunter: "LUNA!"

Grabbing the comm device Bane ripped it off me and threw it on the ground breaking it. Placing the other handcuff on the left arms he began to pull me behind him. I tried to resist him as much as I could.

Me: "Let me go! I am not coming with you."

I tried to block my way with my legs by holding them against the door frame. Bane looked back at me and pulled me over it. Then he pushed me against the wall.

Bane: "You are lucky that they even want you alive."

Me: "Who wants me?"

Bane: "You remind me of her. Fear but also courage."

Before I could ask what he was talking about he began to pull me after him once more. But we didn't come far as we heard a blast going off.

Me: "What is it, Bane? Scared?"

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