Part 47: CC-5576

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Lunar's POV 

With my legs crossed I was sitting on the ground trying to move my lightsaber with the Force. The lightsaber was on the floor in front of me. I was holding my right hand in front of me trying to focus enough to move it. Just making it move a little would make me happy. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't lift it. Not even a little. Not even an inch. With a sigh, I placed my hand down before I placed my back against the wall, behind me. 

Hunter: "Take a break, Luna." 

I turned my head to look at him. He was sitting on the chair on my left. 

Hunter: "You have been trying since this morning." 

Me: "Yet I still didn't do it." 

Hunter: "All Jedi needed time to train." 

Me: "I am not a Jedi, Hunter." 

Pushing myself off the ground I picked the lightsaber up and looked at it. 

Me: "I'm afraid that I lost the connection completely." 

Placing the lightsaber behind my belt I looked at Hunter who was looking at me with pity. 

Me: "It's okay. Maybe this is for the best." 

To be honest it was bothering me. Hunter, Echo, Tech, and Wrecker were trying to teach me everything they knew. Each day I was getting better at it but with Force. I was getting nowhere. 

Hunter: "Luna-" 

Echo: "We're being hailed. It's...Rex." 

Both Hunter and I approached Echo who turned the call on and we were able to see Rex with the hood covering his face. 

Rex: "Hello, boys. Sorry to cut right to it, but I could use your help." 

Hunter: "What do you need Captain?" 

Rex: "I received a distress signal from a clone trooper, but I'm a bit tied up at the moment to retrieve him." 

Hunter: "You want us to recover a reg?" 

Rex: "He's an old friend, and he's in trouble. I need you to get him out." 

Hunter: "Out of what exactly?"

Rex: "Can't talk right now. Sending you his signal. I'll be in touch." 

With that, the call was over. 

Wrecker: "What was that about?" 

He asked and I looked at him. He was standing on my right as Hunter was standing on my left. 

Tech: "The distress signal sent by CC-5576 is originating from Daro, a terrestrial planet in the Outer Rim with no known settlements or installations." 

Hunter: "What's he doing all the way out there?" 

Echo: "Well does it matter?" 

Hunter: "We've gone on missions before without much intel. But this would be stretching it." 

Echo: "Rex wouldn't ask us for help if it wasn't urgent." 

Wrecker: "Echo has a pint." 

Tech: "Might I remind you that we are in the middle of a job for Cid. If we deviate, we will not be compensated. No money means no food." 

Wrecker: "Oh yeah. Tech's got a point."  

Me: "But Rex's friend is in trouble. That's more important than getting paid." 

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