Part 46: The Durand Way

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Lunar's POV 

I was sitting on the ground with my hands handcuffed as the guards walked past. Roland was sitting next to me with his back against the table. As the guard past me, I noticed a blaster on the ground. 

Roland: "Don't do it. They will kill you." 

I turned to look at him. 

Roland: "If your friends don't return the spice, we're both dead. That's what happens when you meddle in other people's business." 

Me: "Us? You are the one who took Cid's parlor from her." 

Roland: "You take what you want. That's the Durand way." 

He said as his red eyes looked at me. 

Roland: "It's a tactic my mother has perfected." 

He said as he looked away. His green skin matched his horse that were black but they had green stripes in it. 

Me: "So she's a criminal too?" 

Roland: "Ugh. You make it sound so undignified. If she saw me now..." 

By the look in his eyes, I could see that felt disappointed with his current situation. At that moment Ruby came to us. But instead of his, she chose my lap. Placing her body over my legs she began to pure. 

Roland: "Ruby don't take a liking to many people." 

Me: "Don't worry Ruby. We will get out of here." 

Roland: "You are different." 

Me: "Because Ruby likes me?" 

I asked as I looked at him. 

Roland: "That and you...your eyes. They are pretty." 

Shaking my head I looked away. 

Hunter's POV  

Me: "Crates three and four are aboard." 

I told Wrecker and Cid into the comm device. 

Echo: "It's almost night. Those things are gonna wake up." 

Tech: "I am preparing for the possibility." 

Echo: "Hunter?" 

I looked at him. 

Echo: "You okay?"

Me: "Yeah." 

I approached the doors and sent the cables back down to Wrecker and Cid. As I watched the cable getting closer and closer to the ground I began to think of Luna. This mission was going on for a long time. 

Cid: "We got the last two. Get us up." 

Pressing the button the two cables began to pull them up, together with the crate. Suddenly a bang was heard and as I looked down I first saw nothing. But then I saw Wrecker screaming as those Irlings creaturs came and began to fly around them. 

Wrecker: "Get us out of here!" 

Me: "Wrecker, what's going on?" 

Cid: "Irlings. Lots of them." 

Wrecker: "Help! Help me! Help me!" 

He began to shoot the Irlings. 

Cid: "What's out for the spice." 

Wrecker continued screaming. 

Me: "Tech!" 

Tech: "This should distract them." 

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