Part 51: A Chance

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Lunar's POV 

As the elevator stopped the lights in the room came automatically on and to my surprise I saw no one. Slowly I began to look around the room where everything for me....for every clone started. 

Wrecker: "That looks like every other Kaminoan lab to me." 

Me: "Not exactly. Most in Tipoca City don't know about it." 

Tech: "Hunter's comm is still active. I'll pinpoint his location." 

Echo: "I will tap into the system." 

Wrecker: "I don't get it. What's so special about this lap?" 

Me: "It's where I was created." 

I said as I walked past him and began to make my way towards empty tanks that were still filled with water. 

Wrecker: "Here?" 

Me: "You all were here too." 

Tech: "What do you mean?" 

Me: "Your mutations were enhanced in this room. Experimental Unit 99 began right here." 

I said as I turned towards Wrecker and Tech who approached me. Both of them were in shock. 

Wrecker: "Woah. Is that true?" 

He asked Tech who walked past me. 

Tech: "How can I possibly know that?" 

He asked as he looked back at him. 

Me: "It was only for a short time before you were sent to be with the other clones." 

Echo: "Something is not right." 

All three of us looked towards him. 

Echo: "All the central files have been wiped. There's nothing in the system." 

Wrecker: "Anyone else thinks that's weird?" 

He asked at that moment something fell behind the wall on our left. Wrecker, Tech, and Echo pointed their blasters in the way. 

Voice: "Do not shoot" I am AZI-345211-" 

Me: "AZI?" 

AZI: "Lunar! I am relieved it is you!" 

He said as he quickly came to me making the boys remove their weapons. 

Me: "What are you doing down here AZI?" 

AZI: "I am in hiding. Soldiers were deactivating droids and forcing key Kaminoan medical personnel onto transports. Those who resisted were eliminated." 

Echo: "The clones did that?" 

AZI: "No. There were other soldiers. All clone troopers were reassigned and transferred off-world except CT-9904." 

Wrecker: "Crossahir is here? Should have known." 

AZI: "It's not safe here Lunar. You must leave." 

Me: "We can't do that AZI. Not until we find Hunter." 

Tech: "Found him. His comm is pining from the central cloning platform." 

He said as I looked back at him but then I looked back at AZI. 

Me: "Come on AZI. You're with us." 

Hunter's POV 

With a sigh, I looked at Chrossahir. 

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