Part 54: Trapped Again

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Hunter's POV 

Tech: "Ironically, our old barracks is one of the few compartments habitable, albeit temporarily." 

Wrecker: "This is our room? What happened to it?" 

Echo: "At least the smell is gone." 

Wrecker: "Chekt it out. Our board's still here." 

I stepped into the room and looked around. So many memories happened here. 

Crosshair: "All those missions together and you throw it away." 

I stopped walking so I could look back at him. I pointed my flashlight at him. 

Me: "We made a choice and so did you." 

Crossahir: "Soldiers follow orders." 

He said as he approached me. 

Me: "Blind allegiance makes you a pawn. A real leader protects his squad." 

Crosshair: "Look where that's gotten you. They are all gonna to die, because of your failed leadership." 

I felt my hand taking a really good grip on my blaster. 

Luna: "No we are not. Look." 

We all looked at her and then at the way she was pointing. 

Luna: "We landed on the underwater tunnel. If we use it to reach the base post, we could get back to the Marauder." 

Tech: "Accessing the tube will be...challenging."

Echo: "Better than staying here." 

Luna: "We have to try." 

She said as she looked at me. 

Crosshair: "She's calling shots now?" 

I turned to look back at him. 

Me: "You have a better idea?" 

I asked as I walked past him, making sure my shoulder touched his. Coming to the sport AZI began to cut the floor with his laser. 

Tech: "My scans indicate the tunnel is directly below this maintenance deck. AZI says, with a precise weld to maintain an airtight seal, this might work." 

Wrecker: "What do you mean, might?" 

Opening the ground AZI flew in first to make sure it was safe. Soon he came back spinning his head around. 

AZI: "The tunnel is clear!" 

Coming down we slowly began to make our way forward. Because we were in a tunnel that had a lot of pressure on it we needed to be careful how we stepped.

Crosshair: "We have to go back. There must be another way." 

AZI: "That would be unwise. I am afraid this is our best option." 

Wrecker: "You done complaining? You know, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this mess." 

Crosshair: "Something on your tiny mind, Wrecker?" 

We all stopped walking so we could look back at the two. 

Wrecker: "All that time, you didn't even try to come back. We still would have taken ya." 

He said as a sight left his mouth. 

Tech. "Let it go Wrecker." 

He said as he placed his hand on Wrecker's shoulder. 

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