Part 28: This Isn't You

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Hunter's POV 

Me: "Luna!" 

Quickly standing up I began to run towards the edge of the cliff to jump after her. 

He came onto my path, stopping me. I tried to push myself past him.

Me: "She will get hurt!"

Rex: "TURST ME! 

Looking down I saw that there was no movement in the water. It was completely still. The more that I waited the less time she had. Suddenly she came out of the water together with Wrecker. There was no sign of a monster. Wrecker was holding onto the cable with his right hand. Taking hold of Lunar he looked up at us.

Me: "Pull them up."

All four of us began to pull them up. Getting them onto the bridge I began to scan her body for any sign of blood. To my surprise, I did not find any.

Rex: "Are you guys okay?" 

Wrecker: "Yeah." 

Me: "What happened down there?" 

Wrecker: "I don't know. The monster suddenly just stopped attacking when Lunar came." 

We all looked at her. 

Rex: "You used the Force. You communicated with the monster, so it let you guys go." 

Luna nodded. 

Echo: "I didn't know you could do that." 

Tech: "No one knew." 

Luna: "I was surprised it was even working." 

Wrecker: "What?" 

Luna: "I never did something like that before." 

Wrecker: "What?!" 

Luna: "At least you are alive." 

A sight left his mouth as he placed his head against the ground. 

Wrecker: "Thank you." 

Luna: "You are welcome." 

As we got Wrecker on his legs we continued walking. Rex was leading us and Tech and Echo were behind him. I looked back at Luna to see if she was okay. She was walking next to Wrecker like nothing happened. I was impressed that she used a Force to stop the attack. I never heard of a Jedi doing this.

Coming to the doors that were a little open Tech and Rex pushed them up so we could step into the room. 

Rex: "This will do nicely." 

He said as he removed his helmet. 

Tech: "I would no longer call this medical bay a sterile environment." 

Rex: "Do you prefer to use the facility on Kamino?" 

Tech: "This will do nicely." 

Echo: "I will calibrate the surgical pod." 

With his help, we quickly got more light into the room so we could place our flashlights away. Luna helps Wrecket take a seat on the medical table. 

Tech: "Time to get scanned, Wrecker." 

Wrecker: "Let's...get this over with." 

I took his helmet and gun and as I placed it away I saw Luna stepping in front of Wrecker. She took hold of his hands, as Tech began to scan him. 

Luna: "It's okay Wrecker. We are here." 

He nodded and then she stepped next to me. 

Luna: "I am worried Hunter. Just because this surgery worked on Rex it doesn't mean it's safe." 

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