Part 53: Chosen

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Hunter's POV

With a flashlight in my left hand, I was running forward with others right behind me. The shots kept on coming. 

Me: "Go! Go!" 

Coming into another hallway we barely escaped the explosion that happened in the hallway behind us. 

Me: "We need to find cover." 

We continued running but suddenly we were thrown back. An attack hit the feeling just above us making us fly back. As fast as I could I began to pick myself up. Looking towards others I saw that no one was hurt but I could see that Luna was terrified. At that moment floors began to shoot when suddenly they turned sharp to the left making us fall. The building was falling and we were falling together with it. 

I was trying to stop myself but I was unable to grab onto anything. Luna was able to grab a part of the broken wall but as she tried to grab my hand I missed her. 

Luna: "HUNTER!" 

I was able to grab on for another broken part and as I looked back I saw that Wrecker, Tech, and Echo managed as well. Looking back towards Luna I saw her pointing her flashlight into the wall on her left when suddenly an electrical wire came off and doors began to close. It was going to close Luna, droid, and Crossahir into the room. 

Me: "LUN-" 

Lunar's POV 

I slowly opened my eyes as I heard AZI calling my name. I was on my stomach and as I tried to pick myself a little I felt pain inside.

Me: "AZI?" 

AZI: "I do not wish to alarm you, but if you do not vacate this compartment, you will soon parish and I will be left here all on my own!" 

He yelled. Pushing through the pain I set up and looked around. Poiting the flashlight past him I saw water. My Force vision. This was the future for me. Quickly I began to look around for excitement and as I looked back I pointed my flashlight into Crosshair. 

Me: "Corsshari." 

Standing up I stepped over a giant mental thing that was on top of his chest and as I went back down I checked if he was alive. He was. I turned to look at the part that was on top of him. The only way to get him out of this was the removal of that piece. Taking hold of the piece I began to pull up. But I didn't move it not even a little bit. It was very heavy. 

Taking my comm device I pressed it and placed it against my lips. 

Me: "Hunter, do you copy? Echo? Wrecker? Tech? Does anyone copy?" 

Hunter: "We are here Luna. Are you okay?" 

Me: "No really. The room is flooding, and Crosshair is stuck." 

Hunter: "Get the door open Tech." 

Tech: "All compromised compartments are sealed to contain the flooding. I cannot override the protocols from here." 

Wrecker: "I can." 

At that moment Crosshair opened his eyes. I walked to the other side of the part and began to pull once more. Crosshair immediately began to push as well. 

AZI: "Greetings, CT-9904. You survived the aerial bombardment but are now moments away from drowning." 

Crosshair: "Get this off me!" 

Me: "AZI find something to help!" 


The water came to my waist but I did not stop pulling. Looking at Crosshair I saw him taking hold of deep breath before the water covered his head. 

Me: "No, no, no." 

At that moment water came to my neck. I took a deep breath and swimmer back down as the water pulled me up a little. Looking at Crosshair I saw that he was about to drown. I can't let this happen to him. I let go of the part and seemed to him. Taking hold of his head to keep him still I connected my lips with his giving him my air. As I removed my lips I turned back towards the mental part and pointed my right hand at it. 

"I never wanted to be chosen, but please Force guide me and help me." 

Closing my eyes I felt the energy leaving me and as I opened my eyes I saw that the mental part was flowing above Crosshair. Pushing it away I quickly took hold of Crosshair's arm and pulled him up. I helped him above the water and as I placed him on a flowing part so he could take a breath I looked at AZI. 

Me: "AZI we ha-" 

At that moment water came to the ceiling. Crocchair and I took a deep breath and began to swing when suddenly a strong force of water began to pull us down. I tried to fight it but I was pushed down and suddenly I found myself in Echo's arms. Wrecker was able to open the doors and as Crosshair came threw the open hole together with AZI he closed the doors. 

Echo: "You alright?" 

He asked me as he placed me on the ground. I wanted to say: "Yes." But my lungs were filled with water. 

Echo: "Take deep breaths." 

Crosshair: "What have you done?" 

He asked as he stood up and turned towards Hunter. 

Hunter: "The Empire opened fire on the city. We weren't gonna leave you behind." 

Tech: "We don't have time for this. We need to get topside before this entire structure submerges." 

Hunter: "If you want to stay here and die, that's your call." 

He told Crosshair before turning around and began to run. Echo, AZI, Tech, Wrecker, and I followed him. As I looked back I saw Crosshair following as well. Explosions were heard everywhere. Coming to the bridge we were running as fast as we could. It was difficult as the grounds continued to shake. 

Looking out I saw that the birth pots were behind destroyed by water that came into the room under us. Coming into another hallway the ground shook hard. 

Hunter: "Hold on to something!"

At that moment the building turned over and I began to fall. My hand caught the pipe and as I took hold of it with another hand I pulled myself up trying to get a better grip on it. AZI was flowing above me and as I looked up at him I saw him behind hit by a falling part. It knocked him out but before he could fall past me I grabbed his hand. 

The building shook violently making me almost let go. At that moment building bent over and we were able to stand again. I turned to AZI and turned him back on. 

AZI: "Lunar! Lunar watch out! Oh, you are okay." 

Tech: "I believe we have landed on the ocean floor. There is no way to accurately calculate the damage. Most of the facility must be-" 

The explosion was heard as we quickly looked up. 

Tech: "...compromised." 

Hunter: "We need to get to a space that's more secure." 

Tech: "Follow me." 

He began to lead guys away but I didn't follow as I saw Crosshair not following. Our eyes meet. 

Me: "Please, don't." 

I turned around and began to run after others with AZI flowing next to me. 

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