Part 7: Dirt And Grass

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Lunar's POV

Wrecker: "Ouch! Hey! Hey, hey, hey. What's that gonna do?" 

He asked Echo who just gave him an injection into his right arm. 

Echo: "You will be okay. Just hold still." 

He said as he stepped away from him. I approached Wrecker and as he looked at me I showed him the doll that I found. 

Me: "You were looking for that. Am I right?" 

His eyes winded in shock as a gasp was heard. He quickly took the doll. 

Wrecker: "You found my Lula!" 

At that moment Echo sticks him with more medicine. 

Wrecker: "Aw!" 

I couldn't help myself not to laugh. He acted like a big baby. At that moment Tech came to us. 

Tech. "Let's see here. Hold still." 

Tech pointed some kind of thing device at Wrecker who hugged his doll. He actually looked cute with the doll. 

Tech: "This will take just a second." 

Wrecker: "Get that thing away from me." 

Looking back at the way Tech came I saw something that I thought I would never see in my life. Stepping into the ship control room I looked threw the window into the open space. I was actually in space. 

Hunter: "Your first time in space?" 

I looked back at him as he approached me. 

Me: "First time anywhere." 

I looked back at the beautiful space. This was one of the things that I wanted to see for so long. 

Hunter: "Impressive shot back there. Where did you learn to do that?" 

I closed my eyes as I looked down at my hands. I can't tell them. If I do...they will leave me. Slowly I looked back at him. 

Me: "I never held a blaster before. I guess I got lucky."

Tech: "She's not the only one." 

He said as he came into the room. Wrecker came into the room too, together with Echo who was supporting him. 

Wrecker: "I'm fine. It'll take more than a blaster shot to take me down."

Echo: "You were down."

Wrecker: "Yeah well not for long."

He said as he looked at him. 

Tech: "What's the plan, Hunter?" 

He asked as he took a step behind the controls. 

Hunter: "I thought we could go off on our own. Lay low. But with Crosshair gunning for us, I'm not so sure."

Me: "What about your friends? Can anyone else help us?" 

 I asked making all of them look at me. I looked at Tech behind me. 

Tech: "That would be a short list." 

Hunter: "I can think of one."

He said making me look at him.

Hunter: "Plot a course for J-19."

Echo: "J.19?"

Hunter: "We know a guy."

He said to Tech then he looked at me. 

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